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Hand in hand


The light.

The light is a place for the dead, a place for the souls that have given in.

I wonder... If she'll ever go there. The place for the dead. If I didn't come in time would she be dead, or worse?

Those men... will forever be on my shit list. They could have done so many things to her that I don't even want to think of. What were they going to do again? Sell her?

I would never see her again...

Rio... She could have left. Then what? She'd be gone and what would I be able to do? Keep going? What would be the point? Well, I guess I could stay with Karma... no never mind that man ditches you any chance he gets. He's probably only here cause my parents are rich, or at least my dad is.

The light... the light... I wonder, what was she thinking at the time?

-   -

"Y/N wake up! I'm hungry and I want to take a shower!"

The light from the lamp on the table shone in my eyes as I opened my eyes. Rio was sitting on my lap with her hands on my shoulder from trying to wake me up.
"Rio, what time is it?"  I slowly sat and face the girl.

"It's 5 in the morning, anyways I want food. Let's go to the buffet. " She smiled." Let's just go get room service, I'm too tired. "

"Room service isn't available right now, so I'll give you five minutes to wake up, and then let's go." Rio got off of me and fell back onto the bed and turned on the TV.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I stretched my arms and washed my face.

After that Rio dragged me downstairs to the 24-hour buffet. "There are so many options! Y/N you get half of everything and I get half of everything!"

"What- mhhh fine." I sighed as I got one of everything from on half of the buffet. I brought all the food back to a fancy table and the back of the room.

Rio joined soon after and she sat across the table from me. She then started eating all the food. It was too early in the morning to eat yet so I just stared at her while I drank (favorite drink.)

"Take a picture Y/N. But if you do take a picture of my good side." She slowly looked up from her plate and she smirked.

I smiled at her comment as I leaned in closer to her, I rested my head on my hand as I gave her a calm glare.

"I don't think you have a bad side, and who knows, maybe I will take a picture."

Rio paused and she dropped her fork and looked at me. She pushed her plate away and there was nothing between us.

"Oh, I see." Her smile grew as she leaned in closer to me.

I could practically hear my heartbeat as our faces were so close to each other.

"What do you see?" I said softly as I looked into her blue eyes.  As I said that her eyes soften into a puppy dog face.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out."


We stared at each other for a solid second before Rio rested one of her hands on mine.
My blood froze as I felt the warmth of her hand on my cold one.

"Y/N, let's talk tonight. It's important."

Well shit.


Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now