Let's go find Rio

335 9 14

She's fruity


I laid Rios head on my lap once I sat down on the floor of the bar.

Her lips were slightly parted and drool ran down her face so I took the opportunity to take a picture.

"Enjoying yourself?" I heard Karma from behind. "My. I'm just happy we made it out okay...Karma? "

"Yes Y/N?"

"Are you sure Nagisa's going to be okay?" I questioned as I fiddled with Rio's hair.

"Dunno. I'm sure he'll be fine, he's a big boy."
Karma shrugged his shoulders as he sat down next to me.

"I'm not sure though, everyone's lives depended on Nagisa's. Poor boy didn't catch a break."

"You do got a point, is there something you want to do for him?" Karma looked at me.

"Well duh. He saved our lives, the least we could do is treat him."

"Hm okay. Leave that to me, we'll talk later. For now, let's worry about the sick." Karma suggested as he eyed Rio.


_____ The next evening____

After giving everyone the antidote we all went to sleep and by the time we woke up, it was already the early evening of the next day.

When I woke up Rio gave me fresh clothes and a glass of water, she then told me to meet her at the mountain next to the sea. Everyone else was awake and getting ready to see Koro-Sensei explode.

I was pretty excited myself, seeing an explosion in person would be pretty awesome.
After getting my clothes on I jogged over to the mountains, not wanting to miss the scene.


I saw Rio at the top of the mountain waving her hand. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Good morning! Well kinda...?"

"Yes good morning to you too! Hey did you bring your phone?" Rio broke the hug and she looked into my eyes.

"Yeah, I did, its probably almost dead though." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the percentage, damn only 15%.

"We should make a video of Koro-Sensei exploding!" Rio suggested.

"Oh, that would be so cool! You're so smart!"

"Yeah! Here come with me!" Rio grabbed my hand and she intertwined our fingers together.

I was shocked at that movement but I didn't have any time to react because before I knew it she pulled me to the back of the group to where no one could see us.

"Why are we back here?" I questioned.

"For a better view, duh!"

"Oh, that would make sense."

"Alright Y/N get your camera ready! It's gonna happen any minute now!" Rio exclaimed.

I chuckled at her actions as I pulled out my camera and started recording at the vase where Koro-Sensei was at. As I looked at the camera I saw the colors of the sunset. It was so pretty, how the colors mixed and how the clouds were no longer white with rainbow.

"The sunset sure is pretty." Rio laughed.

"Yeah, it is!" I turned my gaze over to her, for a slight moment I swore I saw her cheeks turn red, maybe it was the sun or maybe she was really hot, but i guess we'll never really know.

"Pay attention to the camera Y/N!" Rio teasingly pushed my shoulder.

"Okay okay!" I laughed.

Right as I looked at the camera a loud boom erupted from the base. Water splashed everywhere along with pieces of metal and iron.

Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now