Why an alien?

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"We're locked in...." Rio said while helping me up.
"What?!" I tried to open the door. "Crap, Rio do you have your phone on you?" I turned around. "No... I didn't think I'd need it." I looked at the door lock. "The boys are at the other side of the mansion, they won't hear us if we call out to them." I sighed. "I wonder what they are doing?" Rio had a smirk creep onto her face. "Ugh, I should have brought my notebook to write a fanfic about them," I joked. "Ohhh speaking of fanfics I have one on Chiba and Hayami." She laughed. We continued talking about our ships in the class, completely forgetting that we were stuck in karma's mom's closet.
Hours had gone by and she eventually fell asleep. Her head was on my shoulder and her drool was all over my shirt. Looking down on her resting face, it almost felt as if my heart skipped a beat. I shamefully looked away and I could feel myself tense up. Then I felt every breath she took, I felt her every flinch, I heard her every breath. I groaned. I feel so disgusting for thinking, feeling, such things.
I've felt things like this before, but with guys. I'm sure it's normal to have feelings like this for your best friend. Right? Or am I-

"Oh, here they are." Nagisa opened the door and saw us together. Karma then popped up behind him and took a picture. I ignored it and woke Rio up.

"No, I don't wanna get up." She whined as she hugging me. "Haha, you must not be a morning person." I teased her and pulled her up onto her feet. "How bout I make you some coffee." She agreed and I took her to the kitchen. "Y/N can you make breakfast for us? I don't feel like cooking." Karma asked as he laid down below me."what are you doing?" I scoffed. "Trying to get your attention." He lifted his foot up and pulled on my shirt with his toes. "Ew!" I shrieked. I then shoved my foot in his face. Karma screamed and got up. "You're disgusting! You better sleep with one eye open!" He yelled. "Can you be any louder? Shut up and stop putting you're feet in each others faces!" Rio yelled into Karmas face. "What is with you guys? Y/N, can you do us all a favor and make something to eat?" Nagisa sighed as he laid down on the couch.
"It's 3 in the morning! Karma do you have any food?" I groaned and looked over to Karma. "I don't eat unless I have too. I might have some chips in the pantry." Karma said while burping into my face. I pushed into the wall and walked over to the pantry. "Karma! You're flipping chips expired a year ago!" I threw them at him. "Ohhh, so that's why I had a stomachache last time I ate." He rubbed his stomach while looking at the contents on the bag. I rolled my eyes.
I gave Rio her coffee and then I was about to walk to my father's house to get food but Rio said she wanted to come.

"Yea let's go together! I've already finished my coffee!" She walked beside me. "Wow, that was fast," I laughed. As we left we heard Nagisa ask Karma when the last he ate and he responded saying last week.
"We need to grab some extra food for that guy on the way out." Rio said in a concerned voice. "Yeah, I think I have some left over Katsu Don from the other night." I replied while looking for my key. "Wait where is my key?" I looked inside my purse.

" allow me." Rio pulled out a pink and purple key and unlocked my door. "Where did you get that?" I asked. "Your father gave it to me." She laughed. Rio occasionally comes over to my house. She and my father get along well.

"Eeeeeeeee Nakamura!" My father came out of his office in his pjs and slippers once he heard the door open. He rushed over and hugged Nakamura. "Wow, I wished you showed me as much love," I mumbled. "Awwww Y/N I love you too!" He hugged me next, it felt like he was trying to hug my organs out. "Okay okay, ow dad!" I escaped his grasp. "Mr. L/N. If you'll excuse us we need to get some eggs for the Akabane house." Rio patted my dad's shoulder, making him let me go.

"Yes of course! Now I must get ready for a teleconference. Have a nice day Nakamura." He said while walking off. "Dad! It's 3 in the morning why do you have a teleconference?." I yelled. "I have a meeting with a client in America!" He yelled back. "Oh, okay have fun!" I grabbed Nakamuras hand and lead her to the kitchen, completely forgetting about Zhu. I saw her getting a glass of water. I froze. Then I looked at where my hand was.

God, she must be thinking of the wrong thing right now!!

"Welcome home y/n! And y/N's girlfriend..." She trailed off.

"Gasp! Y/N we are dating?! You should have told me so I would have kissed you a month ago." Nakamura said not wanting to waste a second.

Zhu then understood that we were friends and she loosened up. "Goodness Y/N! If you're going to have a girlfriend please tell me! I look like a mess right now!" Zhu huffed.

"Gosh for a second there I thought you were homophobic," I said while opening the fridge. Rio was making another cup of coffee.

"What was that Y/N?" Zhu turned around while rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing!" I grabbed the eggs and then sat down at the table waiting for Rio to finish.

"Y/N can you get me milk, please? Then we can leave." Rio asked.

I got up and went to the garage to get some half and half. Then I walked back into my kitchen to see Rio and Zhu chatting like no tomorrow. God, why does Rio have to be a people person?

"Okay, I got the milk." I yawned. "Y/N! Did you know that Rio wants to be a writer when she's older! That's good because I'm a writer for a popular company!" Zhu grabbed Rio's shoulders and smiled.

"Actually I didn't know that," I said while handing over the milk to Rio. "Well yeah we only met yesterday!" She laughed."Yea, when I'm older I want to write about an alien who kidnaps kids and becomes their teacher." She smiled deviously.

"Where did you get that idea from-" Zhu was about to ask but I cut her off. "Oh my! Rio! Karma and Nagisa are waiting for us! Let's go!" I grabbed her arm and waved goodbye at Zhu.


Such a weird kid. An alien who kidnaps kids and becomes their teacher? That's so odd. I'll have to talk to my editor about that.

Why an alien?

( Okay so yes I did change the ending of this chapter. I thought it over and I didn't like the idea of someone who's not in the manga/anime coming in and changing the plot. Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day/night.)

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