I overthink way to much

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(A/N. I know nothing about Rios family but I'm GUESSING she has a single mom and two older brothers)

"Come on Y/N!"


"Wow this sushi is amazing!" I said while (politely) scarfing down the food Rios mom made.

"My my. Rio your friend here must love food!"Rios mom giggled.

I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized that's it's 12:45 am.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why are you having dinner at midnight?" I said while cleaning off my mouth.

"Oh well we actually just got home. My sister heard what happened at school today, you know, all the kids getting stuck in the river. So she had everyone come over to her house and see if Rio was okay. And we didn't havent had dinner yet." She smiled.

"Oh that would make sense." I said while awkwardly laughing. The story makes no sense but oh well.

"Well anyways thanks for saving our sweet Rios life." Red hugged me.

"Looks like the poor girl can't go anywhere without you! She even depends her life on you!" Natsu hugged me as well while fake crying.

"W-what? Has Rio mentioned me?" I asked.

"Wow wow! First name basis!" Natsu practically screamed.

Red threw him off of me. "Yeah pretty much. We have heard lots of good things about you."
Red said.

"Yeah! Your just such a good person Y/N." Rio laughed.

"Yes Y/N. You are welcomed here anytime!" Miss.Nakamura said while patting my head.

"Y-yes ma'am!" I said while trying not to sound flustered.

"That's great! Say Y/N. Does your mom know your here?" Miss. Nakamura asked.

I paused for a moment.

"Hm. I see. I won't snitch." She laughed while picking up our plates. "Boys. Please go show Y/N to the movie room. You should all go watch a movie! I'm going to head to bed." Miss nakamura said.

A movie with Rio?! And her older brothers... Wait does her mom know I like her?! No it's to soon for that... should I ask Karma for advice? Is Karma my wingman? Wait why does that matter that much!? He isn't important right now. Ans besides im good at hiding I like people. Wait Karma found out... wait-

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Rio asked as she put her hand to my forehead. "Yeah. Im just overthinking things." I sighed.

She was worried~

"Cmon let's go." Rio grabbed my hand and showed me to the movie room.

(Im head cannoning that she's rich. Just another guess though.)

"You girls pick out the movie. Natsu and I will go get drinks." Red said as he and Natsu went back to the kitchen.

"So whatcha wanna watch?" Rio asked.
"Mhhh I don't know. What do your brothers like to watch?" I said, not knowing hat to watch.

"Well Red likes Fairy Tale. And Natsu likes reality TV." Rio said while looking through the disk.

"What about you? What's your favorite?" I asked while sitting down next to her.

"Well I like shows that have lots of action and gore! But there's a new anime called a loud voice. It's a romantic anime. Or so I've heard." She said.

"Then let's watch it. Never know you like it until you try." I said while tucking her hair behind her ear.

Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now