Chapter 10- Foundations (1939)

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The hotel my father brought me to had to be the largest I've ever saw. Honestly speaking, I wasn't quite over the shock of my actions yet. I ended my life for a man I knew 6 years in total, most of those years ones I don't remember.

He lead me down a few winding hallways, us passing through people. It was a weird feeling, something that would take a while to get used to. The weirdest part is occasionally, I could feel the type of person they were. I passed through this older gentleman, and instantly I felt warm and loved.

"Breathers, as I like to call them, can't touch us, or see us."

"But I could see you. " He stopped in front of a doorway.

"That's because you're special Camilla. On this side, I have magical abilities. I've spent the past 10 years learning and expanding them. And while I don't have it mastered, I will one day." He paused, placing each on his hands on my shoulders. "You will have these abilities too. I can teach them to you. People will worship and praise you." I felt my jaw drop slightly. I didn't need to be worshiped or praised, but it was much better to the alternative: mocked and spit upon. My father smiled at my expression, opening the door in front of us.

Behind it, there was jazz music playing, similar to that of the 20's. There were a few girls in the classic style flapper dresses, their sequins flashing in the lights. Men in tuxes were dancing alongside them, the band behind them on the tiered stage.  There were lights, lighting up the whole multi-story room. The middle was open showcasing the stage, while  3 floors opened to it, each containing white clothed tables. Men and women dressed up wandered around these tables, talking with one another as they enjoyed the show around them.

To say that the view was breathtaking would have been an understatement. It was something I always imagined seeing, but with my mother's choices, it never even an option. But now, I would be living here, and performing, under my father's guidance of course.

I took it all in, but couldn't fight this small feeling that there was something off. It all seemed too perfect. Getting reunited with my father, getting to live out a dream that I could have never achieved, having magical abilities, were too good to be happening to me. My live was just full of bad things, so why should the afterlife be any different.

Stop it. I think. You deserve it. Stop thinking and enjoy it. I suck in a deep breath and stand up straight. I look up at my dad and give him a big smile.

"So when do we get started?"


Turns out I did in fact, not want to get started.

2 hours later and my body was sore everywhere. I didn't realize I could hurt so bad after being dead.

My dad had given me a set of options of different things I can learn in the club. I decided to do something completely out of my comfort zone, and work with Arial stuff, like silks and hoops, as well as a lot of dancing. Turns out, my body isn't used to anything like that. I called it quits after 2 hours of pain and misery, twisting my body in ways it shouldn't. It also didn't help that my father was watching pretty much the whole time, and I could see a look every time I couldn't do something. 

"I'm done for today." I mumbled, stretching out on the floor. My father sighed, before walking over to me. He stretched out a hand, which I reluctantly took. 

"Can you at least do a half hour of voice lessons? I have the person ready in a practice room." I nod, deciding to do it against my will. This should all work out in the end, and I'll be the best performer in the club, all eyes on me, wanting to be me, not hating me. 

"I can try." 


An hour later my voice lesson was finished, and went surprisingly better then I expected. Apparently I had a pretty voice, with lots of range. Thankfully after that, my father decided that I had enough for one night. He showed me were to get food, before showing me where my room would be. It was located below the rest of the club, and was in a very quiet area. Once I practically devoured my food, I fell asleep, knowing that I had a lot to do in front of me, and many years to come.


Very quick filler chapter, but I wanted to add a little bit of something that wasn't in 2020. Its also a little rough but half of it was written on my phone. Anyways, Cami has changed a lot since she died hasn't she. Lowkey proud of her.

830 words.

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