Harmony (2020)

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I didn't have much time to think about my feelings, instead I had to go out and congratulate Julie, and be with the group. Part of me also wanted to see Carrie's face after that performance, but the bigger part just wanted to curl up and hide. Deep breath. In. Out. Good. Now just don't look at him and everything will be okay.  I grabbed the projector and walked back out front, plastering on a fake smile. Flynn and Julie started squealing as they pulled me into a hug. 

"You guys were incredible!" Flynn said happily. I smiled, ignoring the 3 boys  behind us. 

"Yeah we were." Reggie said matching Flynn's tone. 

"And Cami, actually doing the hologram thing, how do you do it?" I bit my lip, feeling the stare of one particular ghost. Thankfully, he was the one who actually saved me from answering. 

"Hey, whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming over this way." Luke pointed to a sharp looking woman, who I could only guess is a manager, making her way over to us. 

"She looks all business." Alex added. 

"Wait. Who should do the talking?" Reggie asked.

"Julie," I turned to her, giving her a worried look, "Please tell me you know how to talk to important people." I sure as hell didn't want to ruin anything. 

"Right Julie."

"You got this." Luke mumbled. 

"Hi, I'm Andi Parker, and I would love to-" Andi Parker started talking, as she shook both of our hands.

"Julie." Julie and I both looked up to see her father, standing in front of us. 


"It's time to go." Julie gave Flynn and I a worried look, before giving Andi an apologetic one. She rushed off, leaving the group speechless. 

"Uhh, sorry about that, probably a family emergency. I'm Camilla Covington." I gave her the best fake smile.  "Oh, and this is Flynn, she helps with our branding and gigs and everything." Flynn gave Andi a nervous smile while giving me the side eye. 

"Well girls, I am thoroughly impressed with the performance tonight. Here's my card if you would ever like to set up a meeting with the three of you, and potentially the rest of your hologram band?" 

"Yes, holograms." I laugh nervously, taking her card. "Well thank you very much, we'll be sure to stay in touch." She smiled and walked away, as I let out a deep breath. 

"I should probably go back to Julie's house, do you wanna come?" Flynn shook her head.

"I should probably go back and grab more stuff from my house, besides, I don't want to get her in any more trouble than she already is in." I nod, and we say our goodbyes. Ideally I could just poof there, but the boys were still here, and It took me about 10 minutes to get back to the house. I couldn't afford to raise any more suspicion.  So unfortunately, I had to walk. I didn't even have my skateboard. 


Willie had other plans for me. 5 minutes into my walk, I got a text telling me to meet him at the skate park. Sighing, I decided to meet him, hoping that it wasn't some trap set up by my father. I poofed out, managing to grab my skateboard from the studio without anyone noticing. I let go of my visibility once I got to the park, seeing Willie skate back and forth in the bowl. 

"Hey." I say sadly. He stopped, almost crashing. 

"You came. I was worried you were avoiding me."

"Like the plague." I joked, happy that he cracked a smile.  "It's not you. I hope you know that." I sat down on my board, sighing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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