Chapter 8- The End of a Week, The Start of Something (2020)

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Saturday morning I snuck  out of the club, without telling anyone. The day before I told Julie that I would be over in the morning, to help her and Luke write some songs. I assumed Willie would go out with Alex or something. It was clear to me that he was growing quite fond of him, which both made me happy and worried. Willie needed someone other than me, but If he got too close, our whole plan could get ruined. 

I skated my way to Julie's house, going straight to the studio. The door was open, and I knocked before coming inside. 

"Hey Jul-" I stopped, noticing that Luke was the only on in there. "Oh, she's not here."  I set down my bag and take a seat to the couch. Luke stood up from his spot next to the amp, leaving an open notebook next to him. 

"You look familiar. Like I've seen you before."  He sat next to me, staring. It took every ounce of my will power to keep myself from making a snarky comment. Instead, I pulled out my phone and decided to look up Sunset Curve. I did know a little bit from of when Willie and I tried to go their concert, but other than that, I didn't know anything. "Why do I recognize you?" Luke mumbled. He moved closer to me, looking over my shoulder at the article with a picture of Alex, Reggie, Luke, with a different guy. "That's it." I almost cringed at how loud he was in my ear, but then it hit me too. He was the guy who asked me if I was okay the night before the concert. I continued to scroll, but Internally I was freaking out. This could ruin everything, but it also meant that it was something about Luke. He could see me when I wasn't supposed to be visible, so maybe Julie could see him, and his bandmates by close connection. I bit my lower lip as I stood up and set my phone down. I needed to find Julie, and get away from Luke. I walked out of the studio and went up to the front door and knocked.

"Hello?" An older man opened the door, who I assumed was Julie's dad. 

"Good morning, I'm Camilla, I'm new at the school and Julie has been helping me get settled and stuff. She told me to come over today?" I gave him a nervous smile.

"Oh, yes, she told me you were coming over, nice to meet you, I'm Ray, Julie's dad. She's up in her room. " He opened the door wider, letting me in. "Its the first room on the right when you go up the stairs." 

"Thank you, its nice to meet you too." He gave me a friendly smile as I jogged up the stairs. I knocked on her door and waited.

"Come in" I cam into her room, instantly loving it. She was sitting on her bed, which had a colorful comforter on it. "Oh, hey Cami. I didn't realize you were here already."

"Yeah, sorry about that, just wanted to get out of the house. I checked in the studio but  you weren't there. But your dad is really nice." She smiled and patted the bed next to her. I walked over and sat, looking at the notebook she had in her lap.

"Yeah, he's really cool." I gave her a small smile. 

"What's this?" I pointed to the page she had open, titled "Stand Tall."

"Oh, its just something my mom and I were working on before she passed. I thought maybe the guys could help finish it." She looked down as I caught a glimpse of a tear rolling down her cheek. 

"It looks really good." We stayed silent for a moment, I wasn't really sure what else to say. 

"We should go out to the studio, the boys are probably there." I nod, not wanting to face Luke. Best case scenario was that he thought It was my mother or family member. Worst-case, he figures out the truth and ruins everything I've worked for. 

We made our way to the studio, with Julie offering me breakfast on our way out, which I declined. I wasn't sure If I was able to eat outside of the club, I never tried it before, and I was not about to try it here. I just used the excuse that I had medicine that I couldn't eat for 3 hours after. Thankfully she bought the excuse and grabbed an apple for herself to eat. 

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