Chapter 11- Meeting an Old Friend

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Time lost meaning to me as I wrote, humming different notes and melodies. Honestly I didn't care whether or not the band rehearsed without me. All I cared about was the music in my head and the lyrics on the page. Thankfully I knew a little bit of piano, so later when I'm in the studio alone, I could create the music. Unfortunately, my writing session was interrupted by Flynn walking down to the studio.

"Cami?" I looked up, giving her a small smile.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming over."

"I just need to tell Julie some things about the dance, why are you out here alone? Is everything okay?" I nod, standing up and closing my book.

"Just working out a few song things, like melodies and stuff. But I should probably get back to rehearsing with them." I grab my bag.

"Yeah, but remember, you have nothing to worry about when you perform, I'm sure you're a natural."  

"Thanks Flynn, Now shall we?" I jester towards the door and she nods, smiling at me. She opens them, grinning.

 "Dance News!" She dramatically throws her hands up in the air. "I Don't have a date." I stifle a laugh. "But, I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform." I pull the door shut behind me, looking over to the three guys. At least Alex was back, so the whole band could perform. 

"Oh man! We're playing a dance?" I could tell he was disappointed, which I don't blame him. Highschool dances didn't seem to be that fun. Unless they were exactly like they were in the movies, which I highly doubt. 

" Of course dude. That how we get a following nowadays." I rolled my eyes at Luke. Obviously he was just trying to seem like he knew everything about it, which he didn't. I snuck around, taking a seat on the couch, letting the 5 of them talk. 

"Yeah, get with the program Alex." Julie said, making a pointed look at Luke, causing him to grin. I felt pang of jealousy, but quickly pushed it away. If Luke like Julie and she liked him, it could easily solve all of my problems.

"What, the guys are here?"  She smiles and waves in my direction. "Hey guys." 

"Other way Sweetie." Julie said, causing Flynn to wave towards them. I smiled slightly at Alex and Reggie, who both waved back.  

"Okay, well now that Alex has graced us with his presence, and Cami decided to come back in, can we start working. I fought a comeback, as Julie turned towards me. 

"You good to start working?" I nod, giving her a smile. "Okay then, you wanna stick around?" Julie asked Flynn.

"I was supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better."

"Careful Flynn, they might not like the fact that you're blowing them off." I cringed at myself as I made the pun, instantly hating.

"Cami, as your friend, I want you to know," Flynn paused dramatically, holding in a laugh, "That if you say that ever again, I will personally end you." A few laughs rang throughout the room, including mine.

"I promise I won't, believe me, I hate myself for it." 

"I thought it was funny." Reggie mumbled, earning a hit from Alex. "What? it was." Alex just rolled his eyes, the two of them getting glares from Luke and Julie. 

"Hey Julie, remember those orbs in Dad's pictures." Suddenly the mood dropped, panic filling up inside me as Julie's little brother walked in. "I think they're ghosts." Okay, so tiny child figured things out. "But don't worry, this room is..." He paused looking around, practically looking at all three of the boys. "It's clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies." 

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