Chapter 12- Bobby (1997)

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I walked around the Club, smiling at the different guests. After only 2 years in Paris, we're already headed back to Hollywood. The club wasn't as busy here, many of our members choosing to tour the city, under our supervision of course. My father thought it was only fair that while we were out of the country that our performance members and audience got the chance to see the world. He called it being a good host. As our members went out, they also reached new potential members, our lifers bringing in new audience members, and our ghosts bringing in performers. I guess that's why my dad brought the show to different places, to get more people in the club. 

While Paris was a beautiful City, with a language that sounded beautiful, it was not beautiful to learn. No matter how many times I was brought here, I knew very little of the language. The basics were all I had in my pocket, so usually I stuck with performing with very little mingling. My dad didn't mind much, as long as I did something for the club, which I guess was mesmerizing our guests. 

I poofed backstage, changing into a stunning silver dress. My father was going to make some announcements, as well as a final performance. Things tended to stay slightly more formal in Paris, silks instead of hoops, longer skirts instead of the short flair ones. I didn't quite understand, I've seen plenty of things go on in Paris that I've seen at home, but he was insistent on keeping it classy. 

Once I was changed, I let my hair down in waves with natural makeup

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Once I was changed, I let my hair down in waves with natural makeup. I waited for my Cue, before appearing on stage to the right of my father. Behind us stood the rest of performers, organized by height.

"Welcome beloved guests and Club Members. Tonight is our final night in this beautiful city. Words cannot express the gratitude of myself, and that of the rest of the club, of the turnout you've provided us this past few years." I made sure that my posture was nothing less then perfect, and that my smile wasn't too much or too little. Thankfully once we go back to Hollywood, there'll be a 2 day break while everyone get's settled back in. So for two days, I won't have to be perfect. "To show our appreciation, we have a special performance." At once, everyone disappeared from the stage. Lights that look like stars lit up the ceiling as I poofed back in on stage. The music started playing in a haunting manor. I always managed to write songs that would give chills to those watching. I mean If I was a ghost, why not make my songs sound that way too. Only instead of haunting in the creepy sense, they were haunting in the beautiful sense.

"Welcome to your life"  I sang, my voice low. I stood stood still in front of a mic stand, looking down at the ground. 

"There's no turning back"  I could tell that the audience was hanging on to each lyric. 

"Even while we sleep"  I paused, taking in a silent breath.

"We will find you" I rose my head up, staring straight ahead. 

"Acting on your best behavior. Turn your back on mother nature"  I pulled the mic out of its stand and took a few steps towards the audience. Behind me, invisible to them, a ghost hurried out and took away the stand. I knew they were too focused on me to even notice the disappearance of the stand. 

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