Chapter 16- Finally Free (2020)

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We practiced in the studio for a few hours, before Julie and I headed inside to get ready for the night. She explained to me that Reggie and Alex took her to Luke's old house, to show her where he went and that it was actually his birthday today. She also explained that they boys got a gig at a coffee and entertainment spot, where we will have the last performance of the night. 

"So obviously no pressure at all to leave an impression."  I said with a joking tone.

"Totally." Julie said, laughing nervously. I could tell that this could go two ways, either really good, or really bad. Julie hasn't performed in front of an audience like this, while for me, well it was a everyday occurrence. We stopped walking, seeing Julie's little brother walking around taking pictures. The two of us shared a confused look, before looking back at him.

"Oh, what are you doing." Julie shot me another confused look, taking a few steps closer to her brother. 

"Looking for those orb things, I'm telling you, this place is haunted. Every time I open my laptop it's on some rock music site. And that ain't me. I'm all about the rap." I chuckled a little bit, Julie muttering Reggie under her breath. I just thought it was cute how Carlos thought the house was haunted because of a random rap website. 

"Just trying to protect you." He held up his tablet, taking a picture of us. I bit my lip, internally panicking. How would I explain the fact that I showed up as an Orb. Thankfully, Julie held her hand up, rolling her eyes at him.

"Enough, We gotta go talk to dad."

"Oh I'd Be careful with that. Dad has that look on his face  like when Google Maps tells him to turn on the wrong street. "  

"You know I think I forgot something in the studio, I'll go grab it." I gave Julie a quick smirk, before jogging out the back door. I don't need to get in-between any family stuff, and I really did leave my phone in there. I let go of visibility, and slowed my footsteps, hearing the boys talk. 

"Isn't it kind of weird that we meet a Willie, and Cami has a Willie contact on her phone," I heard a loud gasp, "What if she knows Willie." I heard two groans follow, as I snuck up to the door, peaking though the window, having to stand on a brick to see. 

"Reg, I love you, but man that's insane. Willie's a ghost." I watched Luke walk over and slump on the couch. "And she's alive. She can't even see ghosts, so how would she even know Willie." I could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice, and by Alex's expression, he could as well, even though he didn't say anything about it. Reggie on the other hand was holding my phone, a frustrated look as he tried to guess my password. I wanted to go in there and smack it out of his hands, but I don't think that would work out well for my situation. 

"I guess you're right, but something seems off. It's almost like she can see us." I watched Reggie set down my phone, looking between Alex and Luke. Alex nodded, but Luke was Fuming.

"Then why would she lie?" He stood up, his voice a little louder than usual. I flinched, not wanting to see him this way. Or maybe it was the fact that he was right. I was lying to them, and it wasn't fair. "I'm sorry." Luke slumped back down on the couch

"Hey man we get it. We know nothing about her and yet you still like her." Alex sat next to him, laying a hand on his shoulder. 

"I don't like her." 

"Yeah, and I don't like Pizza." Reggie said laughing, earning a dirty look from both Alex and Luke. Sighing I decided to stop spying and headed in. I heard them sush each other, feeling them watch me as I grabbed my phone. I opened it, groaning when the message 

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