Chapter 3

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After the banishing of Dawn, everything was calm with the army. For now, at least. He was still out there, but he was no match for all of them. Amethyst didn't want Dusk to go out alone or unwatched. She is the only one who is truly endangered. Palmer walked out of the cave, he scanned the camp and casually trotted over to what's left of the bison.
Komirad wasn't looking well, the tiger just seem down. He's not as bright as he was before the battle with Dawn. Amethyst didn't understand why, Dusk was getting worried. Amber has also been gone for a few days. The Army seems to be doing just fine.
"Hello Amethyst!" Forest happily padded over to her with a smile.
"Oh, hi, Forest..." Amethyst lifted her head from the prey and licked her lips.
"How are you?" He asked politely.
"I'm fine... How about you?"
"I'm great!" He purred and blushed a little.
Amethyst nods and returned eating. Forest all of a sudden looked disappointed. Was it her fault? She hoped she was a good leader. Maybe not... She tried not thinking about it and let it get to her, instead she lied down and groomed her soft, silver fur. It was ruffled by the wind.
Komirad came into the clearing and leaped onto the over hang, watching the camp, his eyes were aware. Sungaze and Dusk were out and about in the forest. Earlier, Dusk was playing hyperly with a plant, it had a very powerful smell. Soon both cats entered the camp and they both had the same plant in their jaws.
She giggles and runs into the cave to Komirad's nest. She placed them through out the moss and feathers. The plant made cats happy and really hyper. Maybe Dusk wanted to cheer up her love.
Later at night, Dusk was smirking at the male tiger as he lied down. All he did was sleep and remained relaxed. He showed no excitement, so Dusk was disappointed and fell asleep soon after.
Amethyst padded over to Forest the next morning and dipped her head, "Morning Forest..." She smiles and lies beside him picking out some meat from what was left of the prey pile. He smiles back in greetings and looked into her eyes.
"Hello Amethyst... How are you on this fine morning?" He rumbles a purr.
"I'm great..." She smiles back at him.
Forest was staring at her with his eyes bright and shining. Did he like her? The question rang in her head, she did like him, but not enough to love him. Amethyst stood and looked at the empty pile.
"I need some Hunters to go out, and can a couple of Guardians bring down an elk?" She commanded and lead the Army.
Komirad and Sungaze stood then left the camp. Thorn, Blaze, and Brook all left the camp while Dusk followed. Palmer was in the shadows grooming himself. He was a calm and noble cat. Across the clearing Blossom sat looking at the ground. The Army was healthy and well.
A rustling sounded from the entrance and Thorn came out with Dusk by her side. A serval followed, he was young and powerful. The male came forward, "I'm Dashi... I've heard about cats in this area..." He speaks calmly.
"Yes... We are the Wild Cat Army..." Amethyst nods and felt Palmer's gaze on them.
"I would like to be a Hunter..." He paws a bird and a rabbit over to her, "this is what I caught..." He looks down at the two pieces of prey.
"I see..." She looks back up at him, "you may be one of us..." She nods in acceptance.
Dashi nods and drops the prey at the pile, then padded off. Komirad entered camp with Sungaze as they dragged a healthy elk into camp. Both of them did a good job in catching something that would last for a few days.
Another serval joined, she was a female and is called by Drift. Palmer didn't like having others of his kind in the camp, it'll just take some getting use to. Amethyst nods to Drift as she wished to be a guardian. Dashi looked interested in the new female serval, but she didn't really care.
"I'll be on a walk..." Amethyst told Thorn before walking out of camp. Her paws quietly padded along the forest floor. She looked around and yawns enjoying the breeze. A yowl of pain broke the soft silence, then she knew something was wrong. Running quickly she saw Komirad and Palmer attacking Dawn. Blood was everywhere! Komirad had his mouth around Dawn's entire muzzle trying to suffocate him. Palmer was nipping and biting at his flank. Dusk stood in horror watching her brother suffer in front of her. The male cheetah kept trying to struggle, but no use. Both Komirad and Palmer's weight was to much for him. It was over.
"Stop!" Amethyst commanded her Guardians and watched Dawn become lifeless in a heart beat. They were only doing their job to kill him once he came back around.
"Dawn?" Ducks whimpers and runs to her brothers side.
Palmer and Komirad walked side by side padding to camp. Amethyst followed sadly, she knew it wasn't right, but Dawn had to die in order to keep both Komirad and Dusk safe. They were the main targets in the cruel cheetah's mind. Why did he have so much hatred and anger? That question will always remain.

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