Chapter 12

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News around camp is saying that, Snow and Forest are now mates. Amethyst only cried in her Cave for a whole day. It destroyed her more, now that it seemed like Forest completely left her. She stayed in the darkness and look down at her paws. Blossom trotted in and gave her some prey and water. It was bad enough that Amethyst had to leave Forest, but the War put so much stress on her, Blossom had been taking care of her for a while. No matter how much pain Amethyst was in, she had to keep going, for the Army.
"Forest, wait up!" Snow giggles as she runs after him out of camp.
He kept running and disappeared into the brambles. Komirad sat over by Dusk as they shared tongues. Palmer and Drift had a thing going on between them, and Dashi doesn't seem too happy with it. Today was a lazy day for the wolves and wild cats. Everyone just sat around and relaxed. Only two more sunrises was left till the battle. Amethyst was nervous and she tried to remain calm by hanging around Thorn and Blossom. No new cat has joined or found them since, Dashi came. They must've been the lucky ones, to survive this human disaster.
"Amethyst, would you like to send a patrol out?" Amber walked over to her.
"Yes, take Blaze, Sungaze, and Holly with you..." She dipped her head.
"Okay!" The black leopard walked off to find the three.
"It'll be alright Amethyst... You are doing the right thing, you're brave, thoughtful, and very clever. We couldn't ask for a better Alpha..." Thorn whispers kindly. The caracal has always believed in her. She gave her hope to continue on with this journey.
"Thank you, my loyal friend," Amethyst smiles and rubs their heads together.
Blossom rubbed her cheek against her leg and smiled up at her. Thankfully, she had her best friends to depend on too. She didn't need a mate to feel loved, but just some friends to show that they care. Thank you, to all of my wonderful, loyal companions... She thought.
Tomorrow was it. Tomorrow was the day that both cats and dogs will go to War with the humans. To fight for their freedom.
Everyone met up one last time to discuss plans. Amethyst stood in front with Sparrow and Gunner at her sides. She helped explain the plan to everyone. It's been a whole moon since the training had begun. With Blossom traveling to meet the pack, to the War with the humans.
"This War is where us, the wild, become free!" Gunner ranted on, to help motivate everyone.
A sudden rumbling came from the ground, everyone looked at each other and saw an elk herd running straight towards them. Both wild cats and wolves held their ground hissing and snarling in defense. Until, the Great Elk came up from the other elk and stopped everyone. His antlers were enormous compared to the other bucks. He bent his head down in respect. Amethyst, Sparrow, and Gunner dipped their heads too. They flicked their tails telling their Army/Pack to back down.
"We have come to fight with you..." The Great Elk stood tall, "we don't need training, we shall just join you in alliance."
"We hunt you and your herd. The food chain will be broken if we join together." Sparrow steps forward.
"No, you may hunt. We understand it is your way to survive. I'm the only one that you can not kill. I have a scar on my thigh that should tell me apart from any other elk..." He spoke strongly and wisely.
"We except..." Amethyst stepped forward.
More rumbling came as bison have come to join the fight too. The largest one stood tall above everyone, he showed leadership and loyalty.
"We shall join as well, same conditions with the elk. I am much too big for your group of cats or wolves to hunt me, so you can tell me apart from the rest..." The Great Bison dips his head in honor.
The three Alpha's nod to each other, knowing they weren't alone either. Turning to see a large group of cougars running toward them. Birds of prey circled above and a bald eagle landed on a tree followed by the rest of the birds. Moose slowly came out of the forest and so did grizzly bears. Everyone had come and join the fight. It was a miracle to see how many different animals has come and join. Even coyotes and foxes had scampered their way over. One out of each group, stood out from the rest. Showing the leadership to them, meaning they were the leader. This was it, Amethyst, Gunner, Sparrow, Marmoon (Great Elk), Raxan (Great Bison), Vermillion (Great Eagle), Haddix (Great Moose), Dart (Great Cougar), Taroc (Great Grizzly), Vixen (Great Fox), and Ash (Great Coyote) were the leaders of the War.
"We need a name for this War!" Gunner yowls.
Raxan stepped forward and looked up, "The Wild War for Freedom!" He calls out. Everyone chats it together, it sounded in sync, as one voice.
Now, this Army was built. It had every Great Beast of the forest in it. The Ancient Red Wood Forest, will never be the same after this War. At sun fall, everyone went back to their home and spent the night there. It was incredible to what had just happened today. Amethyst kept thinking what free must feel like. Ten leaders had stood before their Army, each kind of animal had its own leader, except smaller animals like fish, rodents, birds, and reptiles. Those four groups fought a different war. It might be with the same thing, but not working with the other animals.
"I'm scared..." Timber runs into the Alpha's Cave and Mint followed behind her brother. They snuggle with Amethyst and purr once buried in her long, soft fur. Frost came in looking for them and smiled nosing them back out.
"Sorry..." He whispers.
"It's fine, they can come and sleep with me..." She smiles and rolls on her side to let them curl next to her.
Both cubs ran over and lied down beside her purring softly. They fell asleep and Frost walked back to the Guardian Cave. I love these two as if they were my own... Amethyst thought and fell fast asleep soon after.

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