Chapter 10

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A few days have past since the first meeting with the wolves. Ever since then, both cats and dogs came together for training. They learned to work together and get better every day. A new word came from the Pack, that the humans were invading more and more of the Ancient Red Wood Forest. Now, it was a race against time.
"One swift kick to the stomach and-" Gunner was guiding Leo how to attack with Ragged.
Amethyst dipped her head to the Alpha Wolf. Everyone now had a higher respect for one and another. Although, Forest has not spoken to, or even looked at Amethyst since they split up. It was clear he was heart broken of the thought not being with Amethyst.
"Amethyst, Frost would like to see you," Drift walked up to her to deliver the message. She seemed interested in Palmer now, as she walked over to him smiling kindly.
As the Female Alpha walked over to Frost, Forest gave her a dirty look before walking past her to meet up with Sungaze and Thorn. Amethyst flattens her ears in sorrow. She deeply loved him, but it was too late and she had to move on. Standing in front of Frost, he looked at her, "Amethyst, I'm sorry about you and Forest..." His voice trails.
"No, don't be. I had to, for the sake of the Army." She tried to stay strong, not showing how damaged she was.
"I see... Look, Amethyst, don't let love go. Be happy that Forest loves you for you. As long as he is still with you, here, be together." He smiles.
"Thank you for your advice, Frost..." She dipped her head showing her appreciation and walked away to see how everyone was doing.
Komirad and Dusk were talking together and Blaze fought with one of the female wolves named, Red. The snow leopard dived to the side and kicked the wolf at her hind leg. Red got back and went underneath Blaze, knocking her off her paws. Slowly getting up she nodded a good fight to Red. Both smiled and spoke about how they can improve their techniques.
Amethyst went over to Boulder and Holly. She decided she would, train a bit herself too. She stood face to face with Boulder and her eyes were sharp. She nods to him in good luck then she launches forward knocking him over. Swiftly, she backed away and ran up to him, leaping into the air, and pouncing on his back, getting off of him once he was on the ground. Her moves were spotless, for the most part at least. She had swiftness and agility, but not power. In order to survive out here, you need one or the other. Amethyst pushed the thoughts a side and focused on fighting.
"She left me..." She reconized Forest's voice. Looking over, she seen him talking with Snow. Her eyes soften and she licked his cheek. He blushed and purrs.
Amethyst's heart snapped then she cried a little before unleashing her anger. She growls and charges at Boulder sending him flying. Baring her teeth she grabbed his scruff and he yelled in pain. The cry for help, snapped her out of her anger and she looked down at the male wolf.
"I'm so sorry!" She gasps seeing blood on his neck.
"It's fine..." He rasps standing up and shaking his fur out.
"I guess my power comes out when I really need it..." She flushes embarrassed.
"Yeah..." He shakes his head slowly and walked away to join his other pack members.
Amethyst looks down. Ragged walked over to the wolves and instructed them to go back home. They nodded and followed Gunner home.
"Thanks, Lacardo..." Blossom nuzzles the wolf and she licked his cheek when he bowed his head.
"Any time..." He smiled and trotted behind the pack.
Amethyst watched the Healer in disbelief. Blossom had a friendship with a wolf, a real forbidden friendship. She shook her head to let it go. Knowing Blossom was a loyal cat, and wouldn't betray her Army.
Sparrow lead the way to camp, and Amethyst padded along side him. She slowed down staying behind while everyone kept going. Her eyes dull as she watched her own paws one step at a time, she misses having Forest talk to her. With in a few heart beats she entered camp and went to the Alpha's Cave.
"Amethyst?" A voice calls from the entrance.
"Yes?" She sat and perked her ears.
Mint came in, she was small and well groomed. She trotted up to her, "Will you be my mother?" Her eyes were wide staring at her.
"I'm not though..." She flattens her ears and sighs.
"My father wants you to be his mate," she wags her small tail excitedly.
"Really?" Amethyst stands and shook her fur out before heading out to the male lynx. "Is it true?" She asked.
"What?" His blue gaze rested on hers.
"That you wish to be my mate..." She said awkwardly.
"Yeah, I've been thinking, no matter what, I'll always be loyal to my first mate, but I want you to feel comforted. Forest may have been harsh, but I want to be there for you." His voice was soft and calm.
"Sorry, I'll always love Forest. I absolutely can not have a mate right now..." She rubs their cheeks together and licks his ear.
"It's fine, I understand completely," he smiles and walks off with his cubs.
Amethyst dips her head and watched the three go. She padded over to Komirad, Thorn, Blossom, and Sparrow, who were all talking.
"...if we attack them here, we'll have a-" Komirad stops talking looking at the Female Alpha.
Sparrow turned to see her, "hello, Amethyst. We're just discussing plans."
"Yeah, that's fine. Can you show me what you have?" She tilted her head.
The male tiger nods and looks at a diagram in the dirt. "Here-" he pointed to a boulder with his paw, "is where we'll attack the humans. The Hunters with go and find where the humans are coming from and gunna send some cats back to give us Intel." He draws an 'x' in the circle, "The wolves will, then, charge at them and destroy their stuff." He flicked his ear at her.
"That's great! Thank you for trying to plan it out," Amethyst walked off and with nothing to do in camp, she went for a walk in the forest.

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