Arc 5 The Conversation

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After a few days I began to get into the rhythm of things here. I'd get sent empty from Knapford to one of the branch lines around Sodor to collect cargo, coal, quarry stone, crates, barrels, or whatever I was assigned to. I'd take said supplies to their destinations before being assigned somewhere else. Sodor really is a beautiful place, even during bad weather, there's an aura of beauty indescribable here.

One overcast day, I found myself down at Brendam. Having just been shunted into the goods shed, I started to grow bored. Off to my right, I could see Wolf's blue-ish frames on the next track over. 

"Hey, Wolf!" I called, excitedly. He looked up, and smiled "Hey rookie, how's it hanging?" I didn't understand most slang at the time, my face said as much. "How're ya doing?" Wolf tried again. 

"Oh, I'm doing alright. Just a little bored is all. How are you doing?" I asked. Wolf's smile widened, "Same old same old." he replied. 

"Any updates on you know what?" I inquired. Wolf sighed, "Sorry, afraid not bud. I've asked around but I got nothing." My face dropped "Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, we don't even know if this guy exists anymore." I looked back up at Wolf, a bit saddened. 

"Why even help me?" Wolf cocked an eyebrow. "You could've just ignored my ask for help but you didn't. Why?" I asked, Wolf stared off into the mist. 

"The truth is George, us trucks don't have much we can do independently. Though I'm sure you already know that. Let me put it like this. We go about our day to day being transported around Sodor by the engines. We lack the freedom to do as we would, the same could be said for the engines, but they can at least move on their own so they have some level of freedom in that regard. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that not being able to do something can wear on a person's mind. Now you show up and present us trucks with something that we can actually do, something we can feel accomplished in. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" I gave a weak smile and chuckled "I think so, I just..." My words trail off, Wolf waits patiently for my reply. "I just" I sigh, "They say on Sodor that you have to be Responsible, Reliable, and Really useful." Wolf cocked an eyebrow. "I just feel at times, like I'm... Useless." I muttered. Wolf's eyes softened, "Oh George, don't say that." Wolf tried comforting me, I fought off the urge of tears. "It's like you said, not being able to do anything is wearing on me." I whispered shakily. Wolf's face stiffened, "George, listen to me and listen well. What you're going through happens to all trucks, and I mean all. Why do you think Break had his moment of insanity?" I blinked, "Never thought about it before." 

Wolf continued, "Us trucks don't have it easy, nor can we really change that. We are owned by the railway to do as they command. They can even scrap us if they see us as a danger. That's why, when us trucks see a chance to have a little fun, we take it. We are pleasure seekers, and we know that the railway needs us." 

I frowned, "Wh-what are you getting at?" I asked. Wolf looks out to the misty sea again before replying. "What I'm saying is, try to have some fun in the meantime. Don't dwell on the little things alright?" I look up at the roof of the shed, thinking over Wolf's last words, "Fun huh? heh, alright I'll try." I smirk  

Just then, my train shifted backwards, Edward's whistle could be heard, my train began to pull away. As we did, I called out to Wolf. "Thanks Wolf." 

He smiled warmly. "No problem bud, stay positive alright?"

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