Arc 23 Check

27 1 0

All was going beautifully, our attack on the Coaling Plant and Quarry had boosted the morale of the revolution. Though it had displeased some of the pawns. I had gotten word of trucks fighting back against their masters, even derailing Scruffey's old rival Oliver. Justice has been served. Now all that's left was to crash the rest of them. By this point, Edward had become too much of a liability and a danger. His life wouldn't be spared.

I was stationed outside Tidmouth sheds, Daniel was on break keeping me company. He was coupled behind me. I had some of the pawns sneak in some of the explosives from the Quarry into Tidmouth sheds, all primed for once I gave the word. The detonator switch had been wired under Dan's rails, if he moved, boom. This was the end game, one last Hurrah. I couldn't help but laugh. To think one small truck could affect the railway industry of an entire island with sheer words alone. Daniel eyed me, realizing I'd gone mad with power, but I didn't care, I was having the time of my life.

It was then I heard the sound of an engine's puffing. Wait, no trains are scheduled to come through here at this time. From around the side of the sheds came Edward. He was riding light, inside his cab stood the Fat Controller. They both stared at us, knowingly. Shit, how did they figure it-... Louis, goddamn it I should've, gah fuck it! "BLOW IT NOW!" I bellowed. Daniel gasped, "But the kids are still in there!" 

"I don't care, DO IT NOW!" Daniel hesitated. The pawns ran out of the sheds, once they got to a safe distance, Daniel hit the button. BOOM.

Edward had already started to move closer towards us as the pawns fled the sheds. As a result, he only suffered a few scratches and dings to his boiler. Edward coughed, looking back in horror, the sheds were totaled. The Fat Hat's head emerged from Edward's cab, unharmed. The two continued their progress towards us, "DAN RUN FOR IT!!" Daniel's engine roared to life, the chase was on.

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