Arc 19 Early game

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Louis had not been queued on being repaired. Since the mainline crash was still being investigated, Louis was being held for questioning. Before I left, I asked where Sodor's number five was. The inspector explained that James had been sent to Crewe, a works on the mainland dedicated to engine overhauls. It'd be at least two years before he would return to service. Without even realizing it, I had already taken out a knight.

I was returned to service the following day. The world outside became less colorful than it already was. Not only that, but through my eyes I only saw game pieces, predictions and opportunities. The world truly was my chessboard.

I was sent to Knapford. Upon arrival, I was shunted into the sidings by Daniel. "I must admit," He Said, "I like the color." 

I chuckled, "Thanks Dan, but now's not the time for that. I need you to see if some of my associates are here." I provided him with a brief description of each of them. Daniel thought, 

"I think I saw them here earlier, hang on." Dan coupled up and shunted me across the yards to where I recognized the shapes of my comrades. "Wolf, Break." I whispered. The two glanced over, a bit surpised to see me. Break spoke first, 

"Oh my goodness, George! It's been too long since we last spoke..." His eyes drifted to Daniel, worry creeping into his frames. 

"Don't worry," I reassured with a wink, "He's my accomplice I told you about." Wolf remained silent. "Diesel, this is Break, and Wolf." I introduced, the three exchanged formal hellos and their involvement in the heist. I explained what happened at Callan, Break and Wolf were horrified. "But, what do we do now?" Break asked, "I mean, our goal was to find Scruffey. Now what?"

I took a deep breath, "My priorities have shifted. Our attack is slowly gaining the favor of other trucks to join in our cause. That cause's objective is now to bring an end to the North Western Railway."

Daniel, nor Wolf were convinced, "So you wish to end the NWR? Or do you simply wish to end yourself like Scruffey did?" Daniel grunted, I glared, 

"I wish to end the tyranny here, so that other railways might do the same. If I die in the process, it'll only prove I'm right." Dan bit his lip, I kept pressuring, 

"let me ask you this. Do you wish to live forever? Forever a slave? In shackles? Forever powerless to your creators? You can still change that Diesel. They don't know that we hold the power, it's through us and our actions that we show them just what we're made of. We are not tools, we are alive, and free." I declared. Dan sighed, 

"You know what? Fuck it. If you think we have a chance, I'm putting my faith in you." Said Dan. I smiled smugly.

My attention turned to Wolf, who'd been scowling. He spoke first however, "George, you really need to think this through. I mean 'end the railway?' You do realize that wouldn't benefit anybody at all right? We'd be scrapped either way." 

My brow furrowed, "I already said I'd have no regrets, and I don't regret fighting the NWR. What are you getting at?" Wolf's face stiffened, 

"How many of us are you willing to sacrifice in order for you to be satisfied, huh?" 

"Excuse me?" 

Wolf retorted, "It wasn't just that one guard who died at Maron, dipshit. Several of those trucks got smashed to bits because of you!" 

My eye began to twitch, "Need I remind you that they chose to partake in the heist of their own free will? It was their choice! They chose this, I didn't force them." 

"Now I'm going through with my plan," I continued, "Whether you plan to continue with me or not is entirely up to you. Tell me Wolf, Freedom or Death?" 

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