Arc 26 Hell

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I stared, confused. What the hell just happened? I felt a heavy tug on my chain, and began rolling backwards towards the smelting shed. "Dan! What are you doing?" I called,

"It's not me! Something's got me!" He yelled. I slammed on brakes hard but had little to no effect. I then remembered what Louis had told me. This was the devil to take me away, "NO I'M NOT READY! I'M NOT! I'm, I'm." I was losing consciousness due to the panic. The shadows of the shed drew nearer and nearer. The doors and the last light of day seemed to be closing off. No, the doors were shutting! All became blurry.

I remember awakening. Everything was red, up above I could see sparks flying, and Daniel was suspended in the air. Pieces of him came crashing down to the ground as they were being cut off one by one. His screams, muffled over the ringing in my non-existent ears.

A large rectangular diesel slowly emerged from the mist, a large mechanical claw bolted to its roof. If this is hell, then this was my devil. The diesel's eyes glowed like embers at the end of a raging bonfire, piercing my soul, it burned. The devil muttered something with a wide grin but I couldn't hear it. The giant claw atop his roof lifted, opened its jaw, moved over towards me, grabbed a hold of my front and then...


It was dark once more.

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