Arc 12 The Ballast Heist

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Using the copy of the timetable provided by the Blue Jays, I was able to map out our plan of attack. It was discussed time and time again. The day came... 

James was to take a line of loaded scrap trucks to the smelters, departing from Crosby. Louis was among the trucks there. A risk, but a risk I had to take. It was now or never. Louis had told the other scrap trucks about my plan and the others were willing to lend a buffer if it meant a little payback on James.  At the same time, down at Farquhar, Break had convinced some of the trucks there to join in our little game. The trucks there were fed up with Mavis' complaining and longed for such an opportunity. Lastly, Wolf had talked to a train along with its brake van which were meant to be taken by Edward to partake in our little operation as well. The trucks felt unsure but were reassured once told the specifics. All three trucks had all told a restated version of my speech to each group of trucks they would find trustworthy, "Freedom or Death," became a sort of motto for our little uprising. Not every truck agreed with our ideals but it only required a few to convince the rest. The stage was now set.

Gordon's hill is the steepest hill on Sodor, neither side is steeper than the other. While James was to come up one way with his scrap train, Edward was to come up the other way with a train loaded with fish and frozen meats from Brendam. Whilst this little heist took place, I remained comfortably in the yards outside of Tidmouth sheds. Patiently awaiting the news.

Break's crew was up first, Mavis had organized the trucks to be taken away by Toby but had to take the trucks herself, due to Toby falling ill to a clog in one of his tubes. As Mavis departed, without a brake van I might add, the lads took their chance. They all put a small amount of pressure on their brakes, making the train come to a crawl. As Mavis' engine whirred and strained, they all let go of their brakes at once, making Mavis surge forward. Trying to slow down resulted in the trucks' buffers slamming into each other quite violently. Before Mavis could realize it, due to the impacts between each wagon and the sheer weight of the stone, nearly the entire train had come off. Some of the trucks landed on their sides, spilling their loads and blocking traffic. Mavis herself had only partially left the rails but her side plates had scraped up some ballast so that was a bonus. Phase one was now complete.

Next was Edward, I had told the mates that Edward was to be spared. When asked why, I told them that he could prove useful at some later date. That he's more sympathetic to us, so he might understand. I know what I said about him 'never understanding,' I just hoped I wouldn't have needed to harm him was all.

As Edward approached the hill, the trucks let Edward pull them up without any trouble. About half way, as the load grew heavier, they all slammed on their brakes hard. The coupling on the truck behind Edward snapped, the trucks released their brakes. Edward felt the sudden jerk and stopped, but it was too late for him to do anything. The trucks quickly picked up speed, rattling and laughing down the hill. The guard in the van realized this and tried to activate the handbrake, to which the van resisted his attempt. The trucks began shouted and cheered. As they rushed through Maron station, the points suddenly switched to the runaway siding, just as I had predicted. What they didn't predict was what was to come. The trucks skidded into the siding and burst through the wooden buffers. The trucks buckled and scattered about. Some landed on the line closest to the station, the one over from them, just as I had hoped. Phase two was now complete.

James, by this point would've already started his ascension up Gordon's hill. Louis' scrappers were ordered to hold back, but lightly. As to let James win the climb, and to tire him out. They did so, James' smoke darkened and his puffing became louder. From the way I heard it, you could hear his struggle from Wellsworth. 

As James reached the peak, he saw Edward looking quite panicked. Before James realized he had forgotten to pin down his brakes for the descent, the scrappers released their brakes, bumping James and making him rapidly pick up speed. Edward and James whistled a warning to anyone who could hear. The signalman down at Maron could hear, unfortunately there was nothing he could do. As James rocketed down the hill, Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of awakening within himself. He smiled widely for the first time in a long time, realizing how much fun he could've had, had he just taken the chance. Unable to do anything, James' crew, upon seeing Edward's train blocking the line, jumped clear. Then, and then.  

Phase three was now complete.

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