Arc 25 Checkmate

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It was already too late. Brakes sparking and screeching, we came to a stop just as we passed through the front gate. Unbeknownst to us, the gate closed behind us. Edward's puffing could be heard in the distance, coming closer. There was nowhere for us to go, this was checkmate, game over.

Edward came to a stop right outside of the gate, The Fat Controller hopping down from his cab. "So I guess this is checkmate then, George. Or do you prefer Black King?" There was a turntable in front of us, I ordered Daniel to turn me around, he did so. 

Finally face to face, King to King, I had to admit, the Fat controller had an intimidating aura for his stature.  However, I still had a sliver of hope that I'd somehow get out of this alive. 

"Why George?" Edward begged, "Why did you do it? all of it?" 

I snorted, no point in hiding it anymore. "What? Create one of the biggest crashes this island has ever seen? Send the infamous Scruffey up in flames? 'Poison the well' if you will? Blow up Tidmouth sheds? It's simple really. Why not?" 

The Fat Controller fists clenched, "You put this railway into a financial crisis, committed arson, murder and destroyed railway property just because you could?" 

I began to chuckle, it grew into a hard laugh, before erupting into a cackle only heard by mad scientists during a moment of euphoria. I sighed, "That's right, all of this was of my own desire. To bring this railway to its knees. The fact that I got this far by just words alone still baffles me." I chuckled, grinning widely.

"Finding Scruffey was merely a means to an end, to understand his point of view. Once I found him, he wished for death, so I granted him his wish. From there it was just a matter of how and where. How to bring the rail empire down and where to pull the right strings." I said sadistically. 

Edward blinked, his face darkening "George, how could you? I trusted you, treated you like a friend, and this is how you return my kindness? The deeds you've undertaken are pure evil, George." Edward's eyes began to water through an enraged glare, "You're evil, George" he said through gritted teeth. 

"And he isn't?" I said, glaring towards The Fat Hat, "He uses not just us trucks and coaches, but you engines as well for his selfish needs. We are used day in and day out as an unpaid labor force to keep money in his pocket. Sure he may care for you, say you're 'really useful' but let me ask you, useful to who? HIMSELF THAT'S WHO! HE'S OUR GODDAMN SLAVE OWNER AND YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT!" I screamed. 

"NO!" Edward shouted back "Sir Topham may have our lives within his hands, but we also have his within ours. He keeps us engines and rolling stock running so that we don't end up in places like this!" He motioned to the smelters behind us. "Being given any form of life is better than none at all. Yet here you are, selfishly throwing yours away, and for what? Because you felt you were being mistreated? Newsflash! Nobody in this world is treated equally, that's just how the world is. Sure you can complain about it all you like with your songs, crashes, fires and killing of innocent civilians. Or you can go about it more civilly. You could've asked for a deputation and I would've backed you up. Simply stating that there's a problem to others is the first step in helping others realize something must be done." Edward sighed exhausted. 

"You've got it all wrong Edward. It's not about being mistreated, you say any form of life is better than none at all? Then why were we given life in the first place, huh? Can you answer me that?" Edward could not. "Thought not, we're fucking machines with faces, we don't need life to function. Yet railways from all over the world use this method, why? Can you answer me that, Edward?" He could not. "See? Your silence only proves me right," 

Edward grunted, "Enough! I can't tell you why okay? Yes, we can only do what our creators built us to do. And yes, we don't necessarily need life to function. But that doesn't mean our lives are meaningless. It doesn't matter whether what we do as a railway is meaningful to you, George. As a collective, we serve a higher purpose of providing for the people. Transport and shipping, that is our purpose. For that our lives as engines, coaches, and trucks do have meaning, George. I guess you just couldn't live with that fact, and I'm sorry if I had any part in it." 

I looked away, "It's far too late for that by this point." Edward's gaze fell upon Dan, "Diesel?" Edward asked, Daniel grunted "It's Daniel," 

Edward blinked, "My real name, it's Daniel." Edward blinked again, "Well, why did you let him go so far with this... 'Daniel'?" Dan's brow furrowed "I was always the devious one right? The one who always stirs up mischief? 'watch out, it's the evil diesel.' Admit it Edward, I never fitted in with your crowd, never did. George was the only one who understood how I truly felt about, well, everything. The existential dread, the desire to rebel, and longing to be free. Why did I let him go through with his plans? It's because through him and his actions I could see a future where he and I could live freely. Not just us, but all of his brethren I wished to see free. I wanted a glimpse of that future, so I acted." Daniel concluded. Edward's eyes turned soft, "I see, It wasn't you two who failed the railway. It was the railway who failed you. Again, I'm sorry we couldn't do more." The Fat Controller took off his hat, "I've heard enough. What you've done is too severe. There's no letting it slide this time. We're done here." He then boarded Edward and the two slowly backed off out of sight. 

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