Arc 14 The Little Western

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The next morning, the engines went about their usual jobs as if yesterday's events were a mere nightmare. Diesel began shunting a long line of empties at Knapford, he purposely left me to last as he wished to talk. 

"Just what are you after?" He asked as we moved. I looked up to meet his eyes, 

"What I want doesn't concern you. Not yet anyway, just remember our deal." I said. Diesel, although not wanting to, obliged. "I only wished to vent my opinions to the world, in my own way. What you did yesterday, I'd say crossed some lines." He whispered. 

My gaze narrowed, "Our opinions are one in the same. Only your own way of doing things will fall on deaf ears." I replied. Diesel growled, "If you knew anything about me, You'd know that I once did as you did. Manipulate, and dominate. I hid in plain sight as you did and still got caught." 

"Yes you got caught, but that's because you didn't consider that you making Duck look as though he told jokes behind the big engine's backs seemed out of character for him." Diesel blinked, never had he considered such details. "As for me, you'll see that I have an appearance to keep up amongst the others, so they don't suspect trouble." The rest of the way up to Knapford was silent.

Once coupled to the train on Platform 5, I was left to my own devices. The trucks behind me bickered, 

"Did you hear about that disaster up at Maron?" 

"Yeah, what about it?" 

"Everyone's in a state of shock, and I mean everyone. Humans, trucks, coaches, engines. No one's attempted such a thing before." 

"Do you know who did it?" 

"I know some of the guys that were on those trains but apparently they were given orders by some higher ups." 

"They a rail terrorist organization or something?" 

"How should I know? No one's heard from the higher ups since." 

"The way I see it, if anyone asks, we weren't involved and we don't know anything." 


"Though you have to admit their determination to get a point across is admirable." 

"What point?" 

"I don't know. That we have power over the engines?" 

"Maybe. Heh, guess that makes sense."

The animosity sure had its perks though I couldn't help but worry, what did happen to Louis? Did he make it out okay? A low toned whistle knocked me free of my thoughts, a blue tender was backing down on me. The engine was slightly longer than Edward but seemed around the same height. A yellow number nine was worn on his tender, he coupled up rather gently. Shortly after, the guard blew his whistle and we set off. 

"Alright lads. Understand that we are all in quite the predicament here, so don't make this any harder than it needs to be." Said the engine, with a Scottish slur. One of the Caledonian twins huh? The trucks held their silence, as did I. The journey up the little western took us through a long double track tunnel, opening up to a seaside town with fishing boats galore. Truthfully it was beautiful. The white sandy beaches against the sandstone rock face on the opposing wall. Seagulls flying overhead, the sound of waves crashing, children playing, and wind in the sails of boats. What a sight it all was.

This sight and the long journey gave me some time to reflect. What had I done since my creation? I learned my limits as well as the limits of others, and acted upon them. I was about to achieve the thing I'd been working up to. For the death of that worker, I hope it was worth it. But what happens after I meet Scruffey? What will I do with this new found knowledge of trucks long past? Is there atonement for what I have done? Wait, what am I talking about? Atonement? There is none for my kind. The engines and humans go about their days as if our deaths and injuries mean little to nothing. Maybe they mourn for their own, for James, but he was a disrespectful prick! That's what's wrong in this world, disrespect for the weak and powerless. Those who do so deserve judgment, and if no one else will start this movement, then I will. Just like a line of trucks, if I begin to move others will surely follow.

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