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All traffic on the NWR had been halted due to the fire. Thus all engines had been shed stricken, Tidmouth connected to Knapford and to the rest of the railway, we'd been cut off.

As sundown was approaching, the Fat Controller's car pulled into the yards. As he exited, I could see the anger within his eyes. "Sir?" I asked. Sir Stephen cleared his throat, 

"Our main coal supply has been burned to the ground. Several trucks burned with the fire, it's unknown exactly how many at the moment. On top of that, there's been a bombing at Anopha Quarry. At least six have been killed, more hospitalized. Toby got caught in the explosion and suffered critical injuries. He's been sent to crewe along with James. With the coal supply diminished, we are to run goods only, we must maintain our contracts with the major industries across the island as well as the mainland." He finished. We all were stunned. 

"But, sir," I interjected, The Fat Controller glanced in my direction, "The trucks have been up to no good the past week. We've barely been able to manage it as is, Bear's already been derailed as well as Duck and Percy. Who knows what this might evolve into should we go all freight for X amount of time." The Fat Controller's face remained unchanged, "I'm sorry Edward, but as things are right now, we're out of options." I looked down at my buffers, defeated.

Sir Stephen continued, "I'm sure you're eager to know about 'the message' left for me, it's no doubt from our chess player. He truly believes this is all some big game, mocking how he's made his move and now it's time for me to make mine. The message had a black crown insignia beside it. If this Chess Player knew anything about chess, he'd know that white always goes first." He finished.

"Maybe that's just it sir," I said. The Fat Controller frowned, "Just what, Edward?" I recalled all of my prior thoughts and theories about the Chess Player. "Perhaps he's stating that he doesn't plan to play by anyone's rules but his own." I said. The Fat Controller nodded, "Perhaps."

After the Fat Controller had left, I became lost in my thoughts. How could things turn out this badly? Who would have it out so badly that they'd sabotage the railway and  go so far as to kill so many innocents? It was obvious now that all six incidents were connected. The Maron attack, the derailment near the tightrope, the fire at Callan, the increase in truck aggression, now this. What's the connection? Now that I thought about it, this all really started when an unknown individual was looking for Scruffey. I had assumed it was another truck, coach or one of the engines, but so much time passed with no one knowing who asked. So it was highly unlikely that an engine would be that determined to find Scruffey. A singular truck. No other truck asked as many questions as George did, but why would HE want to see Scruffey so badly? He seems like such an honest and kind hearted truck, unlike most of his brethren. He told me himself he heard of someone asking about him but he didn't know who Scruffey was due how young he is.

Besides, Scruffey hasn't been since his rebuild decades ago, he got been pulled apart by Oliver up at Callan... Wait, Callan! During the fire at Callan, there was said to be a lone truck in the shed when it burned down. Could it be Scruffey was the one who burned? Moreover, after the Maron crash a lot of trucks were sent up to Callan for ballast, including George. Shortly after that, the fire. 

The Black King could've been one of the trucks sent up to Callan, so that does make George a suspect. But what about the human connections? How did the King ally himself with those criminals? And what was the intent of the Maron attack? Did George know where Scruffey was? Did he also know where Sodor's main ballast supply was? It could explain the coaling plant fire too if it's true. Seeing how he's been to nearly all of Sodor's stations by this point. There's just one thing though, what was the intent on finding Scruffey? Sure the evidence lines up but if it was George, what was his motive? I'm uncertain. Also, why attack the quarry twice? To draw attention away from the main events? To try and throw us off of his trail? Maybe, maybe.

Both George and Diesel claimed that The Blue Jays entered the yard of Callan the night of the first fire and began to vandalize. It's true that George was graffitied, but it's not like Diesel to be fearful, maybe fidgety when cornered but not scared. He's no coward. The Jays could've lit the fire but it just doesn't add up. They've been known for graffiti and thievery, but not arson. Whatever happened there that night, those two are withholding something. Even though George showed great distress the following day, he may have faked it. Maybe to try and prove his innocence? That could also explain why he stood up for Diesel that night after the fire. He didn't have to chime in but he did. Not to mention that he'd technically been eavesdropping, joining in the conversation out of nowhere.

If George is the Black King, that means that he is in affiliation with the Blue Jays somehow, giving him human support and connections to the outside world. Not only that but that means Diesel is somehow involved too, the way George stood by him draws too many questions. Not to mention George now wears black as his paint color. That could just be coincidence but still. But why go so far? If it really is George, where did all of this malice come from? The George I know wouldn't be this maniacal. He did ask how to deal with being a truck, since I have better treatment due to me being an engine it's impossible for me to fully understand but this could've been my fault for not being able to help him.

If it is George, if it really is, he most certainly had help from other trucks. One of the trucks who was on James' train that day is still at the works. I'll have to ask the Fat Controller but I'm sure he'll wish to know as well.

Two days later, the fire had been put out. The damage was catastrophic. There was no time to grieve or mope however, we had to rebuild. I kept an eye out for George but I never ended up running into him. Once I'd reached Knapford, I requested to see the Fat Controller. He walked up to me defeated. Before I could speak, 

"Oliver just came off at Callan. What do you want?" Said The Fat Controller. I was taken aback, the trucks haven't played tricks on Oliver in decades, not since Scruffey. 

"Sir, I may have a lead on The Black King." The Fat Controller's face remained unchanged "Is that so? Explain." I told him all I knew about George and the truck in the works. After the explanation, the Fat Controller became curious, "Do you trust this truck Edward?" It was difficult to say, did I? Yes, now I'm not so sure. I said as much. "Right," the Fat Controller began, "I'll make a change in the timetable. Leave your trucks here Edward, and investigate this possible associate of The Black King. You let me know what you find." I smiled, determined, "Yes sir."

I pulled into Croven's gate, it was mostly empty except for a few damaged trucks. One in particular was painted deep maroon and had the distinct markings of having been in an accident. I buffered up to the wagon. He glared at me with a smug look, 

"Whaddya want, kettle?" The other trucks chuckled. "The chess player, I know you're in affiliation with him." I stated angrily, the truck's face remained cool. "So does everyone here," he replied. I gave a slight shove, making him roll backwards. "When was the last time you spoke to him? Was it before or after your crash?" I demanded, the truck winced in pain, "Like hell I'd ever tell a-AHH." his remark stopped by another shove. 

"Was he one of the trucks who got graffitied by the Blue Jays?" I pressed more, the truck's eyes opened wide, bingo. "He was here wasn't he, to get repainted right? Jet black, am I right?" The truck's pupils shrunk, and his brow furrowed. "I WILL NOT SPEAK." he shouted. By now I noticed that everyone was staring at this little interrogation. I had to confirm one last thing, "There's more of you right? How many?" The truck didn't reply. I gave a mighty biff, the truck wailed in pain. "You think you have the right to treat us like this? What gives you that right huh?!" The truck shouted "You think you can just go about ordering and bumping us around thinking we're just okay with this type of existence, well we're not!" I've heard this somewhere before, the truck continued, "The Black King sees and hears all, his judgment is just. You'll all burn for this!" George, so it was true. "You'll never understand us, you damned humans, why even make us?! We're not your damn slaves!" I looked over to a young looking inspector. "I'm done here, take him to the smelters." The inspector nodded and headed into his office to grab a telephone. I left the works, now saddened with the knowledge now in my buffers. One thing's for certain, I had to get back to Sir Stephen.

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