Arc 11 Let's get to work

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Originally, the timetable's purpose was that if Scruffey was found, I'd have a way to know when and how I could move about without arousing suspicion. But, all that soon changed. 

Edward and I had talked a few times at Brendam. I often asked him how he dealt with the concept of being under the control of others, and not having free will. He wouldn't give me a straight answer. Saying to try not to think about it, make friends, or enjoy the moment to moment. That it'll 'help fill that void.' He tried to explain that we do have free will but his points fell short in my eyes.

"By the way..." Edward asked one hot day, "Word around Sodor is that someone is looking into the whereabouts of a truck named Scruffey. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Silently I snuck a deep breath, "I've heard about that, yeah. Don't know anyone named Scruffey though. Or who asked for that matter." Edward stared, considering my words.  

"By 'someone,' do you mean that you also don't know who asked about him?" I asked, "Precisely" replied Edward. "One more thing" he continued, "Have you heard about that mail train robbery the other night?" My expression turned intentionally fearful. "I was on that train." Edward's eyes widened with worry. "They were in need of an extra wagon." I said, "Percy came to a stop all of a sudden, then these men in blue masks came and ransacked the train." The crew had luckily only suffered minor injuries. They attempted to stop the robbery but they were outnumbered. "I see," Edward pondered. "I do hope the crew recovers."

Just then Edward's guard blew his whistle and Edward began to depart. "Sorry to cut this short but I have to go, see you around George. I'm glad you're okay!" Edward called. "Goodbye Edward, and thanks!" I called back. 

Off to my left I could see Wolf, Break and Louis staring at me. I stared back with the kind of look that read, 'not a word to anyone.' They seemed to get the message, just not my intent. Just as Edward's train had finished passing, I heard a whisper, "Psst, George!" Looking up, I could see the brake van on the back of Edward's train, the same brake van from my first day, whispering something, as to not let anyone else overhear. "He's at Callan."

My head began to swarm with thoughts, Callan station, of course! It all makes sense. A big shot from way back when, tucked away and kept under constant surveillance by the ones who ruined his life. It all lined up too well. Destination set. The question now was how to get to him?

The Arlsedale railway is where the NWR gets most of its ballast from, and our two lines meet at Callan. But what would require my presence up there? Perhaps an increase in demand? Yes, but what would require that much ballast? An accident? No, not just one. Then it hit me. If there were to be an accident so drastic that a large demand for ballast were to be required, I could use the opportunity to find Scruffey and finally learn about these stories of his. Maybe even gain a new ally. I looked over to my little gang of trucks with a smirk. "I'm going to need your help".

After explaining the short version of my plan, the lads all stared at me dumbfounded. 

"You got a death wish or something?" Louis snapped. 

"What? I'm making you all an offer which could benefit not just you but all trucks on Sodor." I declared. Wolf's brow furrowed, "How? How does doing this benefit any of us in any way? Especially considering the risk factor." 

I took a moment before replying, this had to sound convincing. "Surely you understand the situation we were born into. We are given life with no free will of our own. Our only given function is to carry cargo and to stop ourselves. And when us trucks get bored of the same routine, what happens? We try to have fun. As a result, the engines think they have some sort of authority over us and believe that they 'need to teach those trucks a lesson.' Dare I ask, a lesson about what? To stay in line? To keep our heads down and obey? I will not listen to this propaganda anymore. Perhaps we are like parasites. Having to live off the strength of others, but if you think that'll deter me, you're a damned fool. I will make decisions for myself and if anyone stands against me, they've got another thing coming. Either they grant me freedom or death." I declared. 

The three were shocked at my speech. My attention turned to Louis, "If you think you're the only one who's afraid of the end, of death, you're wrong. We all are, at least when my time comes, I won't have any regrets." Louis was taken aback. The others sat silently, mouths slightly agape, as though they didn't recognize the truck before them. 

"There's just one thing..." Said Break, "Why aren't you getting involved? Like with how you had us relay Scruffey's location?" My gaze narrowed, "Because, from what I've learned about Scruffey, the little westerners 'paid him out' easily because they knew who he was and where to find him. If we are to do this, my involvement is to remain anonymous. Your involvement shall also remain as minimal as possible."

"You realize that once we do this, there's no going back. You understand that, right George?" Wolf asked with emphasis, I grinned, "Good, that's what I'd prefer anyway. A break from the norm, I think it'll be fun." 

Break gave a slight chuckle, "If we do this, I don't have to be afraid anymore." he whispered to himself, smiling at his buffers. Wolf sighed, "It's risky, but I'm willing to try it out. For Scruffey." I turned to Louis, "Louis?" Louis' eyes honed in on mine, "You better not fuck this up." was all he said. 

In the end, we all came to a consensus "Freedom or Death." Although there was truth to those words, the true goal was Scruffey. I had told them I had an 'accomplice' on the inside to help us out, this was to prevent too much information from getting out about our number of people involved.

Thus, it began...

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