Arc 22 Fire and Smoke

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My rooks reported back their knowledge of the Coaling Plant and the usual times the engines fuelled up. With this in mind Act one began.

3 AM, Over on the Farquhar branch, I had given Break orders to smuggle a few of the pawns down the branch by letting them ride inside him. From there, they would lay low at the Quarry until 7 AM.

At 6 AM, One of my Rooks, who had lied to his boss saying that he had to take off of work due to his mother passing, snuck into the coaling plant just before the sun arose. He entered the building containing the coal stockpile, lit a match, and ran.

I was down at Brendam talking to Wolf in the goods shed when the news came to light. The main line's coal stockpile had been attacked. The Rook responsible was caught and arrested on the spot. The smoke could be seen from all over the island. The early morning sky seemed to fade into a deep shade of red as large black clouds loomed.

Next a workman reported an explosive charge detonated at Anopha Quarry. At least five workers and one of my pawns were dead, nine were hospitalized. The two remaining pawns had hidden in Break when the first explosive went off. They were able to sneak out a few more explosives by the time the Quarry was evacuated. Toby had been caught in the crossfire as well, and had to be sent to crewe as James had. A message was found graffitied on some of the trucks nearby, 

"Your move, Hatt. Game on!" Along with a crown emblem beside it, all in black.

The Island was in a state of chaos and panic. The fire, although mostly contained, was blazing hot enough to melt through the building's frames and eventually spread. Helicopters were used to try and combat the blaze but to little avail, there was simply too much coal to put out. The flames wouldn't be doused until two days later. The fire, the explosion, the deaths of the workmen and with Toby out of action, there was too much going on at once to understand truly what was happening. With the risk of human and engine lives at stake, The Fat Controller ordered an Island wide lockdown.

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