-1- The Offer

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George pov
Tw: Mentions of death.
I can't help but sit back and stare as my luggage is sitting on the conveyor belt. I'm officially moving to America to pursue football as a junior at LakeCraft high school.

They have two teams. The piglins and the withers.

I was invited to be on the withers with Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur,  and a few others I don't know the names of.

Time skip
An hour later, I'm on the plane stressing about the take off. Staring down at my shoes, I drift off into thought, not caring about what the lady in the front of the plane has to say. I've never been too thrilled by the idea of a tube, with me in it, floating in the air.

Anything could go wrong. It could fall straight down into a hill, and kill everyone in it.

My thoughts continue on for a while. I look up from my feet, and realize that the plane is no longer taking off. We're in the air.

I continue looking out the window. The flight still has 6 hours left, as I've only been on for less than 30 minutes.

Slowly reaching into my carry on, I grab my black headphones. I slip one earbud in my right ear. I don't bother to play music as I'm already feeling drained from staying up late packing.

The one earbud manages to block out the slight noises coming from around me. It's just enough to get my mind off the stress of everything happening.

I can feel my grip start to loosen on my left earbud, as I feel the tiredness sink in.

Time skip
I wake up hearing the light voice from the lady again. I'm guessing the flight has ended, because the lights above me start to turn on as everyone grabs their bags from overhead. I follow along, not knowing what else to do.

With my carry on backpack on my back, I exit the plane waiting to grab my luggage. I cant find the conveyor belt with the number 8 overhead. I panic, afraid that I won't get my luggage.

I feel a huge weight hit my arm as a kid, no older than 8, runs by. I rub the side of my arm while looking up. I finally spot the #8 in bright, yellow lettering.

I jog over, thankful for the kid. I see my blue bag first, the red and white one following after. I grab one down, then the other.

I walk over to a dark green bench and sit. I open my phone and click on the tiktok icon.  My eyes travel up to the message sent from my mentor Quackity.

" I'll be there in 5. Forgot about this LOL"

My eyes travel up more. I spot the time on the top of my phone 4:53 A.M.
I've already slept the entire 6 and a half hour flight. There's no way I'll be able to sleep tonight. It's not like I need to sleep. I have better things to do like packing, meeting new people, and studying the teams.

I hear my name called out, and look up to see a guy with long black hair. I cant help but notice he's wearing a navy blue beanie. The print saying LAFD in bold. I make a slight mental note to ask him about that later on.

I can only focus on the annoying rattling of his keys as he brings them closer to his face. He's smiling really big while whispering " let's go! Let's fucking go!"  to himself.

He comes up to me, putting a hand lightly on my shoulder. "You're George, correct?" I sigh as I agree. His smile grows bigger as he walks away. I'm guessing he wants me to follow, so I do.

We make it out to the parking lot and I sit down in his car,  breathing in the warmth of the air.

He starts a conversation off asking me basic questions like favorite color, animal, food, and any other thing you could have a preference on.

" I mean i can't imagine what you're thinking right now. When I transferred last year, I was crying over how stressed I was."

Somehow, knowing that he had been in my same situation made me feel better about being nervous.

We continue our conversation until we pull up to the dorms near the high school. Luckily, the school was a walking distance, so I don't have to get a ride to school everyday.

As we get out out of the car, he shows me the dorm I'm staying in.

I stand up while closing the door of the car. Quackity and I walk in silence as we approach the main office of the school. There's an older looking lady sitting in a brown spotted chair. The desk was clearly not well taken care of either. It had blotches of stains and peeling paint.

I look up to talk to her. Her hair was fried and cut unevenly. She looked like she didn't care about her appearance. Her makeup was almost as splotchy as the desk. Her foundation was too dark, and she had too much bronzer on.

Disregarding her looks, I smile.
" Can I please check in?"

She slips me a paper from her desk, along with a pen that had obviously been bit on.

I fill it out for about 10 minutes. The paper is finally full when I hand it to her. She exchanges the pen and paper with a key that has #8 engraved into the front.

I walk out darting my eyes left and right. I hear footsteps and a slam as the building door shuts. Quackity follows me, still laughing about whatever. I say goodbye to him and thank him for his help as he climbs into the front seat of his car.

I make my way to the dorm, opening the door and climbing the stairs with my luggage. It takes me a bit, but I get to my dorm. I open the door and immediately look at how run down it is.

I toss my luggage to the side and sigh as I sit down on the bed. The creaky, hard bed immediately made me groan. Sure, it wasn't as bad as it could be, but it was still pretty bad.

I get up and adjust my sheets to fit the bed. I mess up a few times before I fix it. I finally change into sweats and a hoodie. Laying down, I adjust to the bed and pull the covers over my shoulders.

I click the button on the side of my phone, as my phone lights up, I see it's 7 A.M. I place my phone on the bedside table, ready to sleep. It takes a while, but i eventually feel tired enough to drift off to sleep.

Authors note
Sorry about grammar and stuff :(( I'm not very good with punctuation. Hopefully you can mentally add it in there. Try not to get too frustrated with it haha!!

Hopefully most chapters won't be this long, but if others like long chapters, I'll probably keep them this way.

Thank you for reading!!

The Night at the Pond // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now