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Dream Pov:
Tw: mentions of suicide, anxiety, depression

I'm excited to be back at school. Not because I like school, but because I miss my friends. I miss interacting with the guys on the team.

I hoist my backpack on my back, and walk out of the door with my keys in hand.

I decide not to bring my car, since whenever I do, I go somewhere after school, and buy stuff I don't need.

Walking to school, I see Quackity and Sam. I greet them both, and we walk into the school together.

Starting off with first period, I cant find George. I see Hannah and Boomer laughing at their laptop, which has Boomers voice blasting from it.

Instead of George filling the middle seat, Boomer shifted over a seat to the middle seat.

The period flies by slow, and George never showed up.

With my other classes, he still doesn't show up. It's been 3 hours of different classes, and he still isn't here.

I'm walking to lunch with Sapnap. As we talk, he asks what's wrong.

"George hasn't been here all day. It's not like him to miss school." I say to him.

Sapnap takes no longer than a second to reply.

"He's probably just upset. I heard the girl he was dating committed not too long ago."

I look at him with a concerned look, and open the cafeteria door for him.

George still isn't anywhere to be seen. I've looked at every table, and even asked around, and no ones heard from him.

Sapnap's fed up, and huffs as he finally asks me what's wrong.

"Dude, what's up? You've been acting paranoid all day. If you're so concerned, text him. I don't get why you guys stopped talking as much." He sounds aggressive.

I think back to what set off George originally. The night at the pond. I start the story off with a big sigh.

"When we played hide and seek, I went to the place where George and I fought. He kept asking me what was wrong, and I snapped. I told him I wish we never met, and other stuff. That's when we stopped being friends, and I still haven't apologized."

Sapnap looks angry, and begins to talk back.

"No wonder the dude is out kissing other people. You're an ass dude. You need to apologize."
He sounded more angry then before, like he was ready to knock me out.

"That's the thing, Sap. I don't know how to apologize!" I spit back.

It takes a while, but he starts explaining to me different ways to apologize, but makes sure to remind me that If I want this to work, I have to want to apologize and fix things.

By the end of the school day, I know where I'm going, and what i'm doing to apologize.

Falling asleep that night was easier then it had been the last couple weeks.

George Pov:

It's been about a week since Sam and I have been dating. We made it official the day after the pond.

She's been really sketchy, and hasn't been returning calls, and she's even being dry on text.

I stalked her instagram for a while, and figured out she has depression and anxiety. Quackity has even told people to stay away from her.

I don't even think Quackity knows Sam and I are together. If he did, he probably wouldn't approve, but who cares.

I turn on my music, and begin to take a nap. After all, I didn't sleep well all night.


I just woke up, and my phone screen is full of notifications. 162 texts, 21 calls, and 7 facetimes.

I type in my password, scrolling through my texts. I start off with "Layna" one of the girls who was at the roller rink. The texts I scroll through consist of "i'm so sorry george", "hello?", "are you ok?", "so sorry about everything :(."

I'm confused, and go onto another contact. This one is Quackity's. "George are you alright?", "hello? are you even gonna answer?", "dude, hello?"

I'm so confused. I continue scrolling through different peoples texts to me. They're all saying sorry, but not saying why. Dakota even called me 17 times.

I finally click on Sam's contact, and my phone immediately hits the floor. I can feel my eyes starts to water, and I pace around my room.

I cant breathe, and my stomach feels heavy. I cant believe what I see.

I pick up my phone again, and read over the text again.

"George. I love you. I really do. It's been an amazing week of us together, and an even better couple months of our friendship. We've laughed so hard we cried, went on the scariest adventures together, and even showered together at one point. I've enjoyed being with you through all of it. I love your smile, laugh, dimples, hair, smell, and even your height, which I know you're insecure about. If you didn't know, i've been dealing with horrible depression. I've been on way more meds then I should be, and nothing helps. I couldn't get out of bed without crying, and would even wake up with tears still filling my eyes. I hope you understand why it came to do this. I love you always and forever, and I'll always remember the night at the pond."

I'm now crying, and I'm still upset. I didn't expect this to happen. It's 9pm, and I head to bed, popping 3 melatonin.


Waking up, I get ready for school slowly. I don't want to go, but I don't have a choice. Sure, i've skipped practice before, but school builds my future.

School starts in 20, so I lay on my bed. I'm scrolling through my phone while the tiredness takes over. I fall asleep, taking a 2 hour nap.

I wake up startled. Why wasn't I at school? I grab my laptop from the side of the bed, and start to look at my email.

I have 1 unread email which reads
"George, starting today, you will play as "water-boy" for 2 more games. We hope to see you on the field soon!"

That is followed up by a few other details on when the games are. I sigh, relieved that I get to play eventually.

The day goes by very fast. I spent it watching tv, and stalking my email to see if I can do any schoolwork online.

It's going to take a while, but I'll be back to how I was before the loss.

The tears falling down my face are the last thing I feel before falling asleep.

Authors Notes:
- sorry if updates start to come out slower. I'm dealing with something personal :))

- I also want to know if u enjoy the story so far! :D

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