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George Pov:

It's been about a week of me missing practice. It's currently Monday, and I'm about to attend practice.

I believe i'm still on the team, since i haven't gotten a notice about me being off of it.

I get out of bed, and walk over to the closet. I slide the door open, and grab the duffel bag with the numbers 404 on it in white.

I slip my keycard to my room into the side pocket of the bag, and walk to the bathroom in my pajamas.

We have about 2 hours until the morning scrimmage, but I wanna get a shower and get dressed in the bathroom before everyone comes in.

I will admit that I miss the team. I haven't talked to Sapnap in a while, and i miss talking to him.

As I open the door to the bathroom, I get a text from an unknown number.

"Hey George, Its Sam! I believe we hung out yesterday at the roller rink!"

I smile as I remember the memories of yesterday.

"Hey, Sam. We should hang out after my practice is over."

I'm standing leaning over the counter by the mirror. We're just texting back and forth.

I move the shower curtain out of the way, and turn the shower onto warm.

I hear the ding of my phone, and go
to read the response.

"Sure! Can I invite my friend? He's new to the team! I feel like u guys would get along well! 💞"

I laugh at the emoji, since i've never seen anyone using it seriously, but still respond quickly.

"Yea, that's fine. School ends at 3:30, so do you wanna meet up at the cafe on Block Street at 4?"

"That's perfect! Thank you George!"

I get in the shower, shampoo my hair, wash my body, and then do one last rinse of cold water, before i get out.

I put on the uniform as boys start piling in.

Sapnap screams my name out while running towards me. I already have some of my uniform on, so the hug he's giving me is awkward.

Sapnap, Karl, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur are already in the bathroom. I'm already done getting ready, and don't want to stay here longer, so I grab my duffel bag and walk to the bathroom door.

As i'm walking out, Dream and Karl walk in. My mouth drops, but i walk faster just so they don't notice. I haven't seen Dream in a while, and I low key forgot about him until now.

I'm now walking down the school hallway, opening the doors at the back of the school. Coach wanted to meet up with me to talk before everyone got there.

"Hey, George. Head coach Dan will be here soon." I hear the side coach tell me as I get into range. 

I'm pretty nervous, since it's most likely about how i've been missing practices. I already know a sob story to tell him, just in case.

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I get onto the field.

"George, we need to talk."

I notice it's Coach Dan talking this time, not the side coach.

"You've been missing so many practices, why?"

I'm turned around looking at him while he says that. He's in a basic blue dress shirt, khaki shorts, and a black Adidas visor. He's also holding a clipboard under his right arm.

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