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if u want to, you should fllw me! i update whenever i'm writing, and just post random stuff

Dream Pov:

I know what I'm gonna do. It's the day I'm apologizing to George. I hope he takes it well, and everything goes back to normal.

I miss him more then I should. It's been a hard couple of weeks. We had only been friends for about 2 months, and he was already a really close friend. Sapnap even said we were getting closer than me and him. Of course I didn't agree, but I thought it was funny.

I shift my weight to my right leg, and look at my notebook that's in my hands. I have everything written down for tonight.

I'm planning to have some of the team convince him we have a practice at the fields that he didn't remember. Then when he gets there, I'll be in the announcement room, talking on the mic. When he's looking at me, I'll project "I'm sorry" on the middle of the field with an old projector that was set up 5 years ago.

I smile as I write down the final details. I set the notebook down, picking up my phone. I tap on the Imessage icon, and make a groupchat.

"hey I was wondering if you guys could text gogy stuff telling him about a practice on the field tonight at 6. We don't actually have a practice, but don't tell him that. k thanks."

As I get a couple texts agreeing to go along with the plan, I set my phone down in my black backpack, along with a few other things, and begin going to the fields. I have my airpods in, listening to songs from a playlist Sapnap made.

As I make my way to the fields, I pull out my phone and read the time. It's 5:40, so I have enough time to review everything I'm going to do.

I go up the bleachers, and go into the small room at the top. I flip a small switch, and tap the mic, trying to make sure it works.

It sounds like it works, so I put the mic down, and start to pace around the room. I'm nervous. My hand is shaking, and I feel like I'm spinning around. I check on a few other things, practice my speech, and dance around to songs until the time reads 5:55.

I watch as a small figure makes it's way to the field. I can see the numbers on the letterman jacket, 404, and take a big breath in.

I watch as he goes onto the field, then lifting his hands in the air in a confused manor.

I turn the switch on again, and begin to talk.

"George "Gogy" Noft, I would like to take this moment to say sorry. I've been horrible to you, and never even apologized."

As I say this, I click the red button on the projector, making the light shine onto the field.

I twirl my finger, motioning for him to turn around. He looks at the displayed words, and his shoulders sag.

It's a simple message saying "I'm sorry" in blue lettering. It's not much, but it's something.

"I'm truly sorry. You've gone 2 weeks without an apology. That's far too long. I cant even imagine how hard those words hit you, and that's why I'm sorry."  I say, picking up the mic again.

He turns around, and the light from the projector shows the tears in his eyes. He opens his mouth like he's going to speak.

He walks up the bleachers, mouth still open. He's right outside the open door to the room, and just hugs me. I feel the tears run dripping on my chest.

He lets go, and jogs down the bleachers. He doesn't even say anything. Does he even accept my apology? I watch as he picks up his bag again, and runs off the field.

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