-20- The Night at the Pond

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George pov:

"So, will you?" He says.

I sit there in shock. I'm smiling as wide as I could.


I wake up from a phone call. I reach over to read the name, and see it's Dream. I smile, sitting up to accept the call.

When he finishes talking, I get up to change into clothes for the day. Dream asked if we could go to a mind game place. Basically, they have you do a bunch of fun challenges.

I go to the bathroom after changing, texting Dream to give me 5 minutes. I'm shocked when walks into the bathroom, and hugs me from behind, taking a snapchat photo.

I laugh at the photo, and continue to brush my teeth. When I'm finally done, he grabs my hand, and holds it until we get to his car.

He opens the door for me, and I'm already suspicious. What did he do? Why is he being so nice?

When he finally gets in the car, and starts the engine, I'm sitting on my phone. Instead of the mind game place, I look up to see chickfala. I laugh, and he asks me what I want.

"Oh! I'll have a 10 piece chicken nugget with fries and mac and cheese." I smile, and he grabs my hand, kissing the back of it.

We both laugh, and he begins ordering. He basically gets the same thing as me, just without the mac and cheese.

We pull around, waiting in line for a while, then he pays. When we finally get our food, I immediately grab my food out, eating it before giving him his food.

"How do you know that wasn't my nuggets."
He jokes.

I laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. I then dip my chicken nugget in the ketchup, then tell Dream to try and make a villager noise. When he does, his mouth opens, and I shove the nugget in his mouth.

He almost spits it out from laughing, but continues to eat it. I give him the rest of his food anyway.

When he finishes eating everything, I'm still eating my macaroni. He starts the car, driving to the original place.

We pull up right as I finish my macaroni, and he throws away all of our trash in the nearby trash can.

I get out of the car, putting on his jacket, and go inside. We're immediately greeted by a girl with black hair, and she brings us to the back. She puts a vest around me, and I still don't know what we're doing.

When she goes to put the vest and harness on Dream, she winks at him, and he looks away. I'm immediately upset, and it probably shows. I wipe the tear out of my eye, and look at where she's leading us.

I say she's leading us, but she won't stop staring at Dream. It's like she forgot I was here. When we finally get to the back room, she motions for Dream to go first, but he grabs my waist, and pulls me forward.

She lets me in, and starts to draw shapes on Dreams arm. He asks if he can go in, and she lets him in. He goes over to me, and begins talking.

"In a second, she's gonna start the fans. They're going to lift you up. Its like indoor skydiving."

He smiles at me, and I smile back. We're standing close to each other, so I decide to just go for it. I kiss him on the cheek, and he kisses me on my cheek back.

The fans immediately start to turn on as we both lean in more, she's clearly upset. Im slowly brought up into the air, and laugh.

I start doing backflips, and even start "swimming" in the air. Dream copies after me, and after minutes of messing around, the fan slows down. We grab each other's hands, and let go when we softly reach the floor.

She comes in, leading us out. She takes off Dream's gear, but leaves me in mine. Dream scoffs, and stops to take it off from me. He grabs it in his hands, and puts it up.

Another customer comes through the door, and she tells Dream she has to go get it. Dream looks at me as she leaves, and grabs my hand, basically dragging me away from where we are.

We make it to this one place, and he tells me how it works.

"You grab a piece of paper from the pile. You'll have noise canceling headphones on, so you can't hear yourself speak, or hear the other person. I will go first, and you'll try to guess what I'm saying."

I'm excited.

He starts off with something I don't even understand. This is a lot harder than it looks.

"piggy bank?"
I ask.

He shakes his head no, and I continue guessing until I finally get it. It was strawberry.

I go next, pulling a card that says 'walking and running'. I groan, knowing this will be hard.

He finally gives up, and it's his turn again. He doesn't grab a card, which confuses me, but still continues mouthing something.

"Will dough low our while met?"
He mouths.

I laugh

"Will you low our white met?"

I shake my head, still confused.

"Will you go our white meet?"
He speaks again.

This is when I start to understand. My eyes widen, and I cover my face with my hand. He takes off his headphones, and I do too.

"So, will you?" He says.

I sit there in shock. I'm smiling as wide as I could.

"Of course I will."
I smile, and hug him. This is when I see the girl in the window.

She's been watching this whole time.

My heart sinks, and I stop hugging Dream as hard. He pulls away, confused, and sees that I'm staring past him. He turns around to see the girl crying.

He goes out, hugs her, and then motions for me to come out with him. He grabs my hand, pulling me past her, and kisses my cheek.

"Don't worry about her. I wanna bring you somewhere."
He speaks.

We walk out the front doors, and get in the car. I'm still so happy that we're pretty much together.

He stops randomly on the side of the road, and starts talking.

"I know this seems suspicious, but I have a surprise for you."
He says.

"Ok. I'm trusting you."
I say back.

He nods, and blindfolds me with a spare t-shirt.

After what seems like forever, the car stops, and he gets out. He opens the door on my side, and leads me out.

There's a lot of rustling. After another long time of walking, He sits me down. I can hear him shuffling through a backpack. He finally stops, and I hear the zipper zip again.

He slowly unblindfolds me, and I blink, trying to get used to the sunlight. When i'm finally back to normal, I look over to see that he had a special football made just for me. It a football with a glasses pin in the corner. I turn it over to see '404' stitched into it.

I'm basically crying at this point. I've had the best year ever. Moving to America without my family was hard, but it would have been so much harder to not have Dream. We've won almost all our our games, and are hopefully going to win the championship. We even are going to college together. I cant help but to think how this all started.

I will always remember the night at the pond.

The end.

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