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Dream pov
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George is walking beside me as we make our way to my dorm. I barely even know him and I invited him over to my dorm. I wanted to get to know him. Not because I think he's cool, of course. He's just apparently good at football. If I wanted to win, I needed to get under his skin. I need to make him tell me his secrets.

As we arrive at the dorms, he laughs as he heads towards his dorm. "Oh, sorry about that I kinda forgot." I laugh as well. I couldn't tell you why, I just had to laugh. I unlock the door and he gasps. "This is really nice." I chuckle as I thank him. "Thank you. I've had this room since I was a freshman, so I get to change it up a lot."

I sit on the bed and he follows. Whats weird to me is how uncomfortable he looks. He looks like he's never been in the presence of another human again. "Hey, are you ok?" We make eye contact as he answers back. "Oh uh yea, I just never do this and don't know you that well. I didn't want to put my stuff somewhere wrong and make you mad."

I hate to say it, but he's growing on me. I love how considerate he is. "Put your bag on the chair over there, and you can share the bed with me." I point to the chair while talking. On the last sentence, his eyes widen, but he turns his head. All I can see is how pink the tip of his ear is.


He sits on the side of the bed as I begin talking. "So, tell me about yourself." He smiles as he begins to speak. "Well, for starters my name is George. My friends call me Gogy for some reason." He stops for a second. "You already heard some stuff from 1st period. I don't know what else to say." He pauses again, but quickly continues. "Oh, Ive been playing football for 6 years. I hope I can play this season. If I do play, I better play good." He laughs at the last comment and takes a sip of his water that he got from his bag.

I think for a while before responding. "i'm sure you'll do great. A lot of people tell me you're really talented." He laughs and we hold eye contact for a couple seconds. When he looks away, he yawns, which makes me yawn. We're both laughing over everything at this point.

I look over at the wall clock and realize we've been talking for 3 hours. "Oh wow, it's been 3 hours. We need to go to sleep." He nods. "You're probably right. We have practice tomorrow." I get under the covers and so does he. As I'm falling asleep, I feel hands touch my torso. I don't open my eyes. I know it's George, but I pretend its Fundy. Besides, I barely know George. This doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't matter.


Before I know it, I'm waking up. As I step onto the floor of my dorm, I feel my foot step on something weird. I look down to see George sleeping. I'm glad I didn't step on him or he would have been hurt.

I examine him more. his arms are above his head. They're slightly bent. His torso is exposed, but only a little. I can see the beginning of his abs and a little of his V-line. His sleeves are barely able to be seen. I can see how defined his muscles are. Don't get me wrong, his arms are thin, but they're also muscular.

I look away with my eyes wide open. I make my way to the long mirror on the wall and slide it over. My mirror has a cabinet of clothes behind it. I pick out my football jersey and sweatpants.

Since its our first practice, all the guys on the team have to wear the jerseys. As I'm getting dressed, George and I make eye contact. He quickly turns his head away as he sits up. "Goodmorning!" I laugh as I speak. "Good morning to you too. How'd I get on the floor?" His voice is deep and it sounds like it's cracking, since he just woke up.

"Oh, I don't really know. I woke up to you being on the floor." He laughs before he talks. "Knowing you, you probably threw me on the floor!" At this point we're both laughing super loud. Luckily, everyone else would be awake, so we didn't have to worry about noise complaints.

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