1 - A Mother - Luna

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As the boy lays limp on his side, dry and unmoving, the moonlight glares through his one window taking a peak at his ever so tainted and pale skin. His mind rampaging in a void filled with empty, almost lifeless.

He feels the sting of the cuts across the areas of his skin. Arms. Legs. Back. Stomach.... self inflicted and forcefully endured. Always to fade away but always to return. Faster the wounds would disappear the faster more would paint across his white canvas. And that wretched woman loved painting on this white canvas. Loved that the canvas always stays the pure shade and never takes the darker form of his deceased twin.

Delicate. Charming. Beautiful.

How dare be more beautiful than she. How dare be more powerful than she. How dare be the child of a weak mother.

He endures the hate of his mother day by day. Never leaving his paradise prison of a gorgeous suite like bedroom with the canopy bed, flat screen tv, walk in closet, spa like bathroom and more so.

But its hell when one cannot leave. Hell when 13 others call for him. Hell when his designated lovers answer to another when he is under the same roof as them. Hell when he and they can do nothing about it.

labored breaths fill the room as each pain increases, the boy, Luna, listens to the screams that echo throughout the house in silent bloody murder.

His mind wanders to the beautiful faces of those the screams belong to. To the younger ones, to the women, to the dark skinned, to the boys, to the adults, and particularly to the boy with heterochromia who he saw many times but almost never. The only voice who stays silent in the house hold, maybe and probably not even present while his brothers and sisters old and young alike continue to live torture.

Tears stream down his face as each scream silences and fill instead with sobs. His mind fills with the aching voices of his disciples while the house stay quiet. He knows of which of them live more comfortably in return for subconsciously betraying their Luna. He knows of which are too young to even understand the meaning of being who they are and who they are to follow and as a result, rely solely on instincts, instincts that call them towards Luna, instincts that cause them great suffering and pain. He knows of which of them cry for him every night and which of them retaliate in their Luna's favor.

But dear Luna still lives a life of pain, whip lash, torture and hate. He loves his disciples. They are forever his lovers in the ways they were born as and will never leave his heart. But how long Luna can stay in theirs may change over time.

With Allegra out there, only the great god knows of how much the Zodiacs and their moon deity can take before each bond is snapped at the hands of Allegra Lozano. The blood mother of Luna Lozano.

"Luna, my dear. Why are you laying down so lifelessly like a lazy worthless piece of trash huh?" Allegra opens the door and lets in the nonexistent noises from around the mansion as well as her own deranged self.

Her hair white but not with age, skin wrinkled and yet as young as ever body tall and pristine, anything that seems impossible for a 67 year old woman is what this one has. She is not normal of course. She is the one who gave birth to two twin deities... As well as the one who caused the end of one. She walks up towards the bed in which Luna lays trembling, curled up in a fetus position.

"Oh, Luna. My son, you know I love you..." Now sitting on the edge of the bed, arms draped around her son comfortably she states.

"I love you so much..." her hands trail up Lunas spine into his hair, "Your beautiful white hair..." She pulls with enough force to almost cause a whimper to escape the boy. With enough force for him to now be pulled into a sitting positions too close to Allegra for his liking. "Your pretty silver eyes.." her hand had now trailed down to Lunas eye sockets, the pad of her thumb pressing into his eyeball drawing out liquid. "your delicate white skin..." leaving his eyes, she slides her long sharp nails across the fragile epidermis that is his cheek skin dragging it down, and in turn, pulling blood with it. She lifts her hand watching the blood drip down his cheek and soak his white mask. She scowls and slaps him with force enough to make his head collide with the headboard of his bed making a loud bang from the impact and a low hiss pass Lunas lips, through his now crimson mask.

The amount of presences increased behind the walls of the bedroom to the knowledge of Luna and unbeknownst to Allegra. One by one each of them answer to the cries of Luna.

Luna could hear them whispering while he got hit over and over by his mother, when suddenly, she calmed down. Eyes cast down towards her bloody hands dripping in crimson. She picks herself up from the sitting position she was in, in front of her son. She struts elegantly over to the cabinet as though she had not just beat her only child to near unconsciousness.

But then again, the wounds were already healing, surely not to scar.

She rummages through the clothes that Luna owned, pulling out Lunas Luna wear.

"Tomorrow is Lunar new years day and the feast of the 14 is to commence. Be dressed accordingly and make sure to act as a Deity would. Do not embarrass me." His mothers firm voice echoed through the room, bouncing through the walls causing the people behind them to scurry away to where they were meant to be. This would be Lunas first feast with his disciples and first meeting with them without his mothers presence permitted.

Before, Allegra had pulled around the tugs and restraints and made it so that Luna could never be a part of the feast despite being the god figure to the Chinese zodiacs and the moon figure to the moon signs. Generally speaking, the feast shouldn't be able to go forth without the head figure can it?

All these years Allegra had taken his position and manipulated the world to go with it. But this year, All 13 are born and are all to be present at the feast. And so, it is unavoidable.

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