3 - The Mansion on New years

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The mansion parts in 4 stories, stairs cutting right through the middle of the house. On the top floor, was where Luna stayed Isolated in a room at the far end of the corridor, and on the other side of the corridor was the room of Allegra. The floor was accessible to all but only at great risk of a beating. A lot of the children never yielded, however, and continued to make their way up the stairs quite often. They would reach their young deities room and stay beside the door and listen to Lunas silent cries of agony as long as they could before Allegra would appear and beat them for going so close to the room of their lover.

Two other floors of the mansion belonged to the commoners. The maids, slaves, guards and servants who worked at the mansion roamed the castle grounds, only select few allowed above the second level for service. Along with the workers, visitors and guests also stayed or frequented the first and second floor, forbidden to any of the floors above.

The third floor was split into four sections. The Northern corridor belongs to the children of the Air.
The Eastern corridor belonged to the children of Fire. The Southern corridor belonged to the children of Earth. And the Western corridor roomed the Children of Water.

Today was a special day for all within the mansion. Old family members who seemed lost were returning. Faces that were often seen frowning were smiling. Everyone was nervous and yet calm. Frantically trying to get everything and themselves ready.

Today was the first day of New years. After 3pm, the zodiacs will present themselves to the public banquet being held on the first floor and will sit quietly on a raised platform until 9pm, before all the guests and members of the family who are not a part of the zodiacs, including Allegra, will leave to allow the deity to have his banquet with his lovers, not returning until after the last day of the new years ceremony. In two weeks.

Currently, in his room was Luna, staring at the mannequin across from him, covered by a silk white dress that was a sort of merge of a woman's Toga and a males Hanbok, representing his mothers Korean origin as well as his fathers Roman. The silk was of the finest thread found in the continent, embroidered with pure gold thread forming a beautiful solar system, finished off with details made from Moon Gems, made so rarely from the rain and ashes of the moon itself.

In 6 and a half hours, Luna will have to be dressed in his traditional clothes and make the slightest appearance to the public before none is allowed in the mansion.

Luna was almost smiling.

He got up and made his way towards the window, where he could see people climbing over top one another to see his lovers. The ones he so longed to see up close. The ones he was so happy to see on stage in front of everyone else from the distance. They were all beautiful.

The gemini twins, Sidney and Sina with their coal black hair. Hope, their youngest, was beaming with joy one could never compare to. Ashley had a beautiful ribbon covering his eyes. Eden, Felix and Angelo looking comically bored. Elara and Xen were having a conversation in their own little corner. And Quinn, Sydelle, Julian and Killian, were stealing the show. All eyes were on the four representatives of the zodiacs. They were stunning and taking over the crowd.

Luna continued to stare at his beautiful zodiacs as he sat in excitement, waiting for 9 to come. None could see Luna as he watched them with joy, but they could feel his loving gaze on them and they were ever so comforted. But of course, such lovely moments last only so long.

The door to Lunas room opens in haste. Standing at the newly opened entrance was, of course, Allegra. Her long white hair swished behind her as she made strong and determined steps towards her son. Her face remaining firm and angry. Lunas remaining stoic as he watched his mother approach. When she reached Luna, she stopped, and suddenly grabbed his hair in a monstrous grip. Luna screamed in agony, tears pressing at the back of his eyes as his mum yanks him up from his window seat and throws him across the room with ease.

Luna was very light.

He slammed against the full body mirror with force, causing it to shatter into sharp pieces which Allegra used to continue to abuse her son. Slashing his arms with the sharp edges of the mirror as her son screamed at her to stop beneath her.

"You worthless piece of shit." She spoke with much venom. "Don't you dare go against my rules child. Tonight, when you see your pathetic swarm of children I'll make sure they see your ugly face and revolt" she snarled at Luna before cutting across from his right temple, down his cheak, ending at his mouth, now slightly split open.

The tears which were once pushing against his eyelids were now running down his face. His once silent screams turning so loud and so horrendous, that the whole crowd should have heard him. But of course. No one heard him cry. No one ever seemed to hear Luna cry. But they did. They always did.

Allegra stood up, panting as she looked down on her last remaining child, and kicked him aggressively on the ribs. Surely breaking a few bones. She left with her last words being "don't be late." Leaving her son laying down in his own blood and tears.

Downstairs, the Zodiacs were no longer excited or happy or working hard to entertain the guests as they were being forced to. They were near tears for their Deity who they heard cry out a gruesome cry of distress. Allegra was descending down the stairs of the yard in a new dress than before. Immediately the children were back to entertaining the confused and annoyed guests. Killian, however, stayed glaring a hateful and murderous glare at Allegra. His ears once again ringing, his eyes once again burning, his body once again aching, and a particularly new pain had introduced itself to him. His right temple was throbbing, his cheek felt like it was cut open and his lips hurt in a way that made speaking difficult.

He was raging.

He was furious


3 hours left, till 9...

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