6 - Meeting Luna - Libra

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Out of 13 Zodiacs, 5 had met Luna. And only 2 remembered the time they had spent together. Killian and Quinn remembered. But Julian, Angelo had only been a year old when Allegra had taken Luna and Sol away, and Sydelle had only just been born. The many younger zodiacs had never seen the face of Luna and Sol. But the ones who were there, felt the death of their beloved sun, and still all who remain, feel the pain of their beloved moon.

Ashley was born that year. They year that Sol had lost her life. He lived every day feeling nothing but dread. The day of the banquet was painful to him. He did not see the colour of his gujangbok, or the faces of the onlookers as he sat on the stage, or the excitement on his siblings faces as they awaited the moment where they would finally meet Luna. No. He did not see because he was blind. But he did feel it. He felt the fabric of his expensive clothing, the gazes of many strangers, and the excitement of his fellow zodiacs. He also felt the comforting eyes of Luna watching them. From afar.

He listened as the clock ticked closer to 8:30 and he felt the presences of strangers dwindling to nothing, till he was with only his 12 siblings. He could not see, but he knew his way. He did not need the help of the siblings who never spared him a glance. He knew they felt negatively towards him and he accepted it.

When he reached his room, he found that on his bed was foreign fabric, and not in the sense that his bed sheets had been changed. New clothes were set on his bed that he was expected to change into before meeting Luna.

And so, he took a shower, then changed, then left his room and proceeded towards the banquet hall, 15 minutes early. He stood at the door, being the first of the zodiacs to arrive, waiting to see if he could sense anyone else in the room.

When he noticed no one else, he proceeded forward and touched the first seat, then started counting backwards as he touched each chair.

Ashley -

13, pig, Sydelle
And next to Syd would be
12, Dog, Quinn
Across from Quinn would be
11, Rooster, Elara
10, Monkey, Eden
9, Goat, Julian
8, Horse, Xen
Then 7, the snake, Me.
I sat in between the twins, Angelo and Julian. Unfortunately not Killian.

Killian was always very kind to me and the others, he was the only one who didnt seem to hate my existence, but that didnt make him different. He probably hates me just like the test of them.

Sighing, I sat down on my seat and a little while later, my siblings began to come and take their seats also. First it was the gemini twins, Sina and Sidney, they sit on either as side of Luna, as they share the zodiac of the Rat. Hope and Quinn come it together and also take their seats. Eden, was the only one among my siblings not in his seat. He was always there though, but for some reason unknown to me, no one ever spoke to him. Slowly 12 chairs were all filled, leaving only Eden and Lunas spot vacant.

The room was filled with tension and everyone was whispering excitedly and giggling, but they were also fidgeting with nerves. Understandably. Its been 17 years since Luna has left the fourth floor.

The room filled with small talk to fill in the silence. An eerie noise of nothingness so quiet you could hear a pin drop, but you couldn't hear his footsteps. And we dreaded such noise. So we filled it.

The clock would soon struck 9.

And a strong presence entered the 1st floor.

Fast approaching with strong silent footsteps nearing closer and closer to the door. My siblings and I held our breaths as we felt him standing behind the door right as the clock truck 9pm.

My eyes had begun to dampen uncontrolled by me, but despite knowing the consequences of my tears, at that moment I could hardly bring myself to care.

The doorknob twisted much too slowly but all the same far too quickly, and when he opened the door, my legs acted on their own. I stood up.

It wasnt just me who had stood. All my siblings were also on their feet with tears streaming down their faces at the most beautiful sight we had ever witnessed.

The room remained silent as we watched him. I could not see and yet I knew exactly how he looked. I knew exactly how beautiful his white hair was. How beautiful his white eyes shone. How dainty and pale his skin was. His height that was very similar to mine and even the crescent moon mark that rest on his wrist below his palm. He was beautiful. A sight that would heal the blind.

Ha. Ironic.

"My Love." The voice came from across the table. From Killian. My heart stopped beating as Luna came forth towards him and stood in front of Killian before presumably greeting him in silence.

I felt his eyes directed at me before he left Killians side and came close my way, taking my cheek in his hand. He said nothing. Just as he never said anything. But he wiped my tears away, staining his beautiful white skin with bloody tears, and somehow, it didnt scare me. He leaned slightly forward giving me a kiss. A kiss that swelled my heart to no end.

"Luna..." I croaked. My voice catching at the back of my throat.

He smiled at me before removing the cloth from my blind eyes. Im not sure how I knew he smiled. But I know he did. And then he hugged me, giving me a comfort I had never felt before in my life. The comfort of endless love.

"LUNA" Hope cried. The youngest of us at only 7 years old came tackling our Love at full force, sobbing into his robes. And he accepted her in open arms. Slowly, the others began to follow, kissing Lunas hand, cheek, forehead, lips. And receiving kisses and hugs in return. Almost as if we had been together, loving, for our entire lives.

But thats how it truly was right?

We always loved him as he did us.

Just never in person.

Are the reads real? Who knew people would actually read this 😭

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