21 - Lunas Love

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Its funny, the emotions that can fill a household of 14 people.

On the 8th day of the banquet a bond was reformed and it felt as though a light was turned on in dark times. Luna could feel his heart strings tug and tighten and flutter as he watched his sky brighten as the constellations Aries and Sagittarius glowed in the dim night.

It was not night. Not really. But it is always night when he fell asleep. His energy was drained and he became tired. He felt the loving hands of Julian pick him up and place him on a bed that was covered with the mind scent of a specific bunny. Soon after, said bunny was placed next to him and he felt sleep overtake him more in the comfort of someone so dear to him.

Unconscious and unaware, Luna laid on Angelos bed where Julian had placed his lover and his twin. In the room with him was Eden, who looked at the sleeping pair in awe.

"Jealous." Julian mused to his little brother.

"Oddly, yes." A response that left no room for question. Envy was present in his heart, as was within the heart of the unknowing 11 siblings who were still waiting in the meeting room.

"I'll go inform the others that his majesty will no longer be attending the meeting." Eden told Julian.

"Yeah. I think I'll come with you. The meeting should happen regardless of the kings involvement."

And then they leave the two lovers, sleeping soundly and comfortably.

Luna -

I awoke to the feeling of soft breaths against my neck and a small body pressed up against me. My body, now fully healed, needed no more sleep and awoke despite the undeniable comfort I had been feeling with Angelo in my arms.

Our limbs were tangled together under the sheets. Our hair had become disheveled, his injury and my fatigue both gone. He looked sweet. His eyes were still slightly puffy but considerably less than it was before.

He would most likely wake up with a headache due to the crying.

My poor Angelo...

Reluctantly, I untangle my legs from his and get up to go to the kitchen. There was no one there, most likely due to it being an awkward time of the day, 3pm. I open the medicine cabinet and find some pain relief options for my bunny, grab a glass of water, and head back to his room.

When I get there, he looks as though he is getting up. I walk towards him as he fully awakens, his eyes no longer red from tears. He smiles sadly when he sees me and I return the gesture. I can feel his guilt. The way his heart aches. I hand him the glass of water and sheets of pain killers and he chooses the paracetamol. He takes two tablets and chugs down the water.

With a raspy voice he thanks me and slowly droops back to sleep.

I take the glass and leave the room, hoping that he would perhaps relax himself more in his slumber, and awake a little happier.


"My love."

At the current moment, I am in the study signing documents that I have been vividly ignoring all day when Killian comes in.

I smile at him, the room becoming oddly warmer at his presence, and my comfort increasing tenfold.

"Would you like some help with that?" He offers. Had it been one of his siblings, I may have declined.

Other than Quinn, who was trained as a lady in waiting and a steward, none of my lovers knew how to perform such tasks.

But I trust Killian. Even when I was young, he was a man I trusted with my whole world. Killian is smart and dependable. He could surely do what I needed him to do without need fir explanation.

So I nod.

And he smiles.

He comes forward and I separate some simple tasks that have simple information on them that he could fill out for me. He takes then and instantly reads through them before starting the work. Quinn had already gone through a lot of the major things included in all the documents and I mainly needed to confirm that which she had done and is most likely currently doing. However, there was still work that doesn't necessarily need the kings attention and is normally handed to his assistance for filling out on my desk. Those tasks now being the ones that Killian is performing while I finalize a pile of documents.

We work in a comfortable silence throughout noon till supper.

A nock on the door and in comes Ashley.

"Luna, Killian..." He calls out, sensing our presence and wanting confirmation.

"What is it Ashley." Killian asks.

Ashely smiles. "Its time for dinner. Everyones at the dining hall." He tells us.

I walk up and Killian follows. When I reach the door, Ashley tilts his head up in my direction and I grab his hand, making him smile. Together, all three of us head towards the dining hall where a meal prepared by Sydelle is layered across the table.

Dinner was full of chatter among the kids. Quinn and Killian has started a conversation where Killian was asking Quinn about how to do other such paperwork and the demon twins were arguing as always with Felix and Elara.

Angelo was also present at dinner, looking much brighter than he has when he has woken up, and was in s conversation with his brother. A calm conversation. One that hasn't seemed to have happened in s long while.

"Lunaa." A little voice comes up to me.

She climbs up onto my lap and hugs herself into my chest.

I kiss her forehead and she giggles.

"Why dont you ever speak to me? You always talk woth Angy and Kili... I wanna talk too..." Hope whines.

Her statement makes my heart clench. She was right. I had focused much more on Angelo and Killian than I had her and her siblings. And the way the others tensed slightly made it seem as though they noticed too.

"I know Angys sad right now but youre gonna make me sad too."

She looks up at me with her big eyes pouting in a childish way.

I smile at her. She was my little princess. The heir to my throne and a little girl I would surely pay more attention to from here on. I give her an ekismo kiss and glance up at the others apologetically.

My sweet lovers... they all look at me as though they were saying, "We love you too"

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