18 - The shadows whisper loud

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True it is that the shadows whispered throughout the mansion of a certain little bunnies torment, but their whispers, quiet as they are, did not fall on deaf ears.

The words that were shared among the walls and the air and the darkness and the light dripped like poison. Slowly, but surely. Thick with disdain despite that which they know. Does he deserve such treatment among those whom he is unaware listens in on his cries and please? Some may say so but fair be those who say not.

His fate betrothed that which he deserves they say. The stars read his future as which it is meant to be they say. His actions recall consequence which he has called forth they say.

What fate is so cruel? What betrothal is so unkind? What stars go against his love and what future truly lies ahead? What actions? What consequence? What has he called upon which has lead to his red string laying so twisted and torn?

That which the shadows call and burden on him is what they do not know as they assume and gossip that which is untrue and a lie.


Eden -

Its painful to listen in and not be able to shut their cruel words out. The shadows know nothing of Angelos pain and seem to have nothing to do but talk. It dampers on my mood even as I sit with Ashley who I have only just managed to bond with so firmly.

"Whats got your head in the clouds Ede?" (Ee-dee) Ashley, as Ive learnt is an observant individual. His eyes are blind but his ears not deaf and his intuition not dull. He continues to make my heart swell honestly. Its no wonder that the sun and moon both favour such a beautiful person like him.

"I worry for Angelo... the shadows dont speak kindly of his situation." I respond in sorrow.

"What do the shadows know? Are their words trustworthy? You dont seem to trust them Ede." Yeah the shadows aren't trustworthy. They have nothing to do but gossip all day.

"I guess not. They dont do much but gossip. But they say Angelo is in pain at the moment. He is upset and down. Losing hope. Apparently he wishes to skip further discussions on the matter at hand." I respond. My heart no longer as concerned as before at the comfort of Ashleys voice.

"Then dont worry too much about it. We dont necessarily need Angelo present to come up with a way to save him. Though I think that some of the others might not help now that Angelo doesn't want to go forward with this. I sense Julian in particular holds hate in his heart for his brother." He says. His concern is valid of course. As always.


As the day goes on I notice that Angelo is absent throughout. The shadows talk more and more. Ashleys words which had once comforted me seem to go more and more silent. The words of the shadows grow louder and louder and I start to think that it is, perhaps, worthless to continue with planning for saving Angelos marriage. Perhaps-

A comforting hand rests on my shoulder, I turn around and meet eyes with Luna. His eyes glow with worry, perhaps for my distressed mind. Perhaps for other reasons, though I doubt it.

His hand trails down from my shoulder to my hand and grips it in a comforting gesture, filling my heart with satisfaction. I grip back and start walking towards my room. Perhaps he is the best person to inform of Angelos suffering.

Luna follows my lead without care. Wishing to perhaps understand my chaotic mind.

When we enter my room, we see a plain bedroom with just a bed and a desk and a closet and a chair. I continue to pull Luna towards my bed and sit us both down.

He waits patiently as I gather my thoughts before speaking.

"Luna I'm worried we might lose Angelo to more than just another king." His eyes gleam at this. With concern.

"The shadows keep talking about his pain and suffering. He is losing hope. He thinks we dont really care about his wellbeing and he thinks that his life will lead further into a punishment which he thinks he deserves."

"The shadows whisper in his ears your majesty. Mean words. That he deserves the marriage that he wants to nullify, that he is to suffer the consequence of betrayal, that the King of Osmein is his fated lover." As I speak more the look on Lunas face continues to shift with emotions. Pain, anger, loathing, sadness.

"Even I feel I am losing hope your majesty. He wants to not attend any meeting that could lead to his saving because he sees no point in something that will lead nowhere." I tell him more. That Angelo may succumb to this marriage and may even accept it with ease as things continue. But he continues to stay silent as he always does.

When I finish all that I have to say, he rests his hand on my head, threading through my hair. His eyes show concern but also resolve. I doubt this will change his will to help Angelo. He pulls my head down to his lap and strokes through my hair comfortingly. As his hand glides through the waves and massages my scalp, the shadows fall silent for once, something that has never happened before.

Suddenly I feel extreme comfort around him.

"Your maj-" no. It almost feels wrong to call him that now.

"Luna..." yes it feels so right. So calming and so satisfying.


He smiles as I call his name. He continues to let me rest. I look forward to see the single window in my room that lets very little light through. It is dark. The night has fallen on us and I did not notice at all. Suddenly my eyelids feel heavy and Lunas long fingers feel all the more comforting. His thigh all the more soft and his breathing all the more soothing. And I fall asleep. Awaiting tomorrow which will bring us the first day of planning for the nullification of the marriage between our Angelo and the king of Osmein.

[A/N Oooh let the drama beginnne! I feel like I wrote a little more poetic this chapter. I like it but I doubt it will continue. Writing like that is tiring dude. I had to edit the dialog so that it didnt completely ruin the flow of the stories writing style. I did really like how it sounded but I cant actually write like that repetitively so super sorry if you liked it too]

Beautiful FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora