15 - The next day

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The sun woke with the little bunny that laid in his masters lap comfortably. Guilt struck him as he realized the position he was in that he surely did not deserve to be in. But for fear of the future he couldn't help but feel a little selfish and snuggle only deeper into Lunas lap. He watched as one by one his siblings awoke and just stared at him greedily. Enviously. And a little something more. Something he didnt recognize.

The last sibling awoke and shuffled his way swiftly to their direction before reaching Luna and Angelo. He reached forward for Lunas face but was interrupted.

"Ashley, hes asleep." And Ashleys hand hesitated whilst almost in contact with Lunas cheek. He pulled his hand away and settled it on Angelos fur, a look of surprise etching its way on his face.

"A... bunny? Angelo?" Angelo licked his kid brothers hand in response to his questioning tone. Ashley smiled at the gesture and rested his head next to Angelo on Lunas thigh.

It was comfortable. A sweet morning that the siblings sat in together in comfort. Soft conversation going around while they unanimously ignore the elephant in the room, waiting for Luna to wake up to address it.

Luna -

I open my eyes to see a wonderful sight. My beautiful lovers sitting and conversing in comfort with one another while Angelo and Ashley both rested in my lap. A comfortable atmosphere with an underlying tense feeling. As if there was some dirt off shared ignorance going around. And I was very aware of what this ignorance was of. The first to notice that I had woken up was Killian. His beautiful eyes snapped to mine, catching them into a trance that made my heart flip.

"My love, you are awake." This brings the attention of the others towards me and makes my heart swell by doing so. I smile at my disciples and comfort their excitement. Ashley lifts his head from my lap and loops his arms around my back and places kisses all over my cheeks.

"Good morning my lord." He brands at me, his eyes connecting with mine as though he could miraculously see again.

I peck a kiss on his lips which he returns with a blush staining his cheeks.

Angelo hope off of my lap before re transforming into his human form.
He whispers a giant god morning and in response I repeat my kiss to Ashley again with him. It was a greeting that my sister and I had been familiar with since early childhood. The kiss. My father king Silvia would tell us it meant to send love. That it was a language in and of itself and was shared to only whose who were immensely special to us.

These people are mine. No one would harm them so long as I live. I had not the power these past few years with Allegra taking control but as my freedom slowly comes in with this banquet I well no longer allow her to dictate us. And I'll be damned if she thinks she can take my Angel away from me.

"Do you want to talk about the situation my king?" Julian asks. Very formal and polite.

I shake my head no. I'd rather enjoy the first week together as a family, ignore the outside world and then together begin to attack it on the second week. I know they understood my feelings even though I could no longer verbally communicate it with them.

"Then we shall put it off for now. Lets start off woth breakfast for the day and then move on to prayer before just doing whatever the day brings us to do yes?" Quinn proposes.

Everyone nods in agreement to the days plans and we move to our designated seats and begin to eat the breakfast that appears before us. Most probably the Fae that serve the palace are still around. They are servants who work directly under members of the royal family. Each of us have oke or two assigned to us as our companion and they work as their personality provides. But for these two weeks, they have been ordered to remain invisible.

"Luna have you seen the palace before?" Litle Hope asks. The innocent child is a miraculous wonder in this cruel world. To humor what I expect to come next, I shake my head no.

She and her brothers in similar age get all excited and start talking about how cool it would be to give me an official tour of the house and how we should go play in the garden. Adorable really.

And we did just that. All of us went to change into less formal clothes and walked around the castle grounds giving me an official tour. We ended up in the garden where the kids played and the teenagers chatted and the adults laughed. It was a dream come true. Something straight our of my wondrous slumbers.

I feel a hand grab mine and my chest warms as I look into Killians red and blue eyes. Hes always there in my happiest moments as little as they may come. And now the others will be here too.

Finally. It feels as if the reality of yesterdays events are finally kicking in.

I'm not dreaming.

Its really here.

Theyre really here

For once my night was blessed with smiles and fun and I woke up the next day no different to the night before.


A/N Kind of a filler chapter. The chapters narrating this week will also be basically fillers probably but I do want to incorporate information relevant to the plot as well.

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