14 - A cowardly bunny

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In the banquet hall rested many children in the darkness of the well invited night time. Luna stayed awake as ever, watching as the moon glowed through the window, shining on his pale skin. His long fingers were brushing through the hair of his lovely Angelo. His heart ached at the events that had unfolded on such a glorious day.

His sweet Sydelle felt unloved. Truth be that their bond wasnt as strong as the others, but love still lingers like an untold story. Valued and cherished but only quietly. Perhaps the noise of adoration should have been louder for her.

Angelo had been supposedly betrothed. His life was never with a moment of peace and this shattered Luna. He wished he could say he loved them all equally but the love that he held for each was different from one another and therefor he could not compare them.

Angelo was a specimen unlike the rest of them, however. Him, Killian and Ashley also. These three held his heart in a way he couldnt explain to anyone. In ways he couldnt understand. But it was all different from one another. The others he could place in a sort of category. Hope and Elara and Xen held his heart like a parent or a sibling. Sina and Sydney and Felix held his heart like friends. Sydelle and Julian and Quinn held his heart like a friend crush. In a way someone difficult to get close to but you will forever admire from afar.

The moon spoke to him in sad comfort. As if everything would be okay. Not necessarily happy, but okay. But okay is better than what they were now. Currently they are a broken group of 14 given the rights and blessings not many people can handle the consequences of. Luna sighs and looks down, his fingers still raking through the hair of his precious Angelo as he finally makes some movement, probably waking up.

Angelo -

I am currently feeling very safe and very comforted. The hands of someone I feel complete trust in is playing with my hair. Someone I completely trusted. The only person that it could be would be Luna.

Hold in a fucking minute

I open my eyes and an greeted with the most beautiful sight that could possibly ever exist.

They were white, where one would presume blind he was seeing. His eyes shone like the moon in the dark room. What knocked me out of my haze was the soft hand brushing through my hair.

"My Luna..." My voice calls without command. His eyes soften and he smiles at me as though I'm the light of his life. A smile I have only ever seen directed towards us a kere few hours ago. This despite growing up being the one of us who saw him on a daily basis.

A sight I never want to miss again.

I'm quite comfortable having my head rested on his lap, but I sit up anyways. He is still smiling at me.

Luna. He rests his hand on my cheek which I cant help but lean into, before he pulls my face towards his, giving me a kiss that somehow spoke "I'm happy youre okay" to me. It was a soft kiss. A simple gesture of lip lock that hardly meant anything in reality, but it felt like a miraculous blessing to me. One that should be cherished like the highest class of emeralds.

As his lips left mine, he lowers his hand onto my waist, pulling me into a hug that feels like an "I missed you" hug. Strange as it would seem I have been right with him since I layed eyes on him again.

At this point I'm practically resting on his lap as he buries his face into my shoulder. Tears seeping through my robes. It makes my heart crack.

"I'm okay Luna. If I am to marry the man that I will do so as required of me. I am a lord of this kingdom and it is my duty to the people is it not?" I try to comfort him. Key word. Try.

His face lifts from my shoulder, his white cheeks tinted pink from crying, and he shakes his head firmly.

"My king..." His eyes crinkle at his title.

King Luna Lozano. The one who rules the kingdom of Astar along side his 13 lords and ladies. The king whose face none has seen as of yet.

"The people deserve to finally have the royal family in their services dont you think? We are mere slaves to the economic. Our power is superficial under her fist." I try to reason with him. Again. Try. But this time it works. But not in the way I intended.

His eyes harden at the thought of the Queen Dowager. Almost as if to say 'her power will be fruitless soon'. It should have comforted me that he planned to take her down. But instead it only made my heart rate quicken, and my breathing uneven in fear.

He looks at me, his eyes softening in concern. He pulls me fully into his lap and I bury my head into his shoulder while he rubs my back.

His breathing becomes stable and somehow my own began to attempt to follow his. Inhale and exhale steadily.

My body shifts into the form of a black bunny. A form much easier for me to calm down in. I snuggle into his lap as he pets my fur comfortingly.

Oh how that woman has ruined us beyond belief. I hate her.

So. Fucking. Much.

But I cant do anything about it anymore because I've been belittled into a coward by that same woman.


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