7 - A Long Overdue Banquet Begins

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When I entered the room it was silent but filled with emotion. My disciples standing with tears in their eyes. They were beautiful. Killian called out to me first.

"My love." A title only he ever used.

I looked towards him, expecting to see a beautiful mix of red and blue, only to be disappointed

His eyes. They were both blue.

I walked towards him and caressed his cheek, angry that they had removed the beautiful colour of red in his eye. He noticed just as he always did when I was a child, and took out the contact and gave me a kiss.

Across from the table was beautiful Ashley. My python. My Libra. My poison.

He was born a day after Sols death. I remember feeling his life come into this world. It was much brighter when he was born than the other zodiacs, almost as if Sol had gifted him upon her passing, but somehow, his light seemed much dimmer now.

From his eyes streamed a flow of bloody tears that could kill anyone who touches it.

I rounded the table towards him. My beautiful Ashley. His yellow eyes were covered by a white, now red cloth. His eyes that mirrored the colour of Sols.

I took his face into my hands and wiped his red tears, letting the poison stain my skin. He looked confused in a way, but not scared. I smiled and leaned forward, giving him a soft kiss, which he returned lovingly.

He looked happy. His light shining brighter than usual in his heart.

"Luna..." his soft voice called to me.
Sad and yet happy. Bent yet not broken.

I reach behind his head of blonde hair, another gift from Sol, and pulled the blindfold from his eyes, revealing the golden hue gift from Sol. I tied the fabric around my wrist and gave him a hug which he hesitantly, yet gleefully accepted.

When I pulled away, a small little girl ran up to me.

My sweetheart Hope.

"LUNA" she cried.

Her beautiful eyes had tears over flowing in them, but she was happy.

The poison had melted into my skin, allowing me to hug the small angel.

Her tears soak my clothes but I could care less, when she finally lets go, I made my way to Quinn. Growing up, she was much taller and older than me, now, she stood slightly shorter than I and not looking a day over 19. In our childhood, Sol had a very close bond to Quinn, and I'm sure Quinn felt her death forcefully with much emotion.

Currently, her eyes held tears and were filled with pride. When I reach her, she greets me - "My Lord, Luna Ive missed you so much, you've grown so much" - with a kiss on each cheek. I smile at her and kiss her forehead in return.

Julian and Angelo, my first set of twins, both look at me in awe. I remember them from their infant days vividly. No feature of theirs ever left my memories despite my young age at the time. They were such joyful babies, but now all their joy seemed sucked out of them. Angelo especially. He was the younger of the two and the weaker. When he was born he didn't cry, he was a weak little child who had now grown handsomely. Unlike the gemini twins who look identical in different binary, Angelo and Julian were identical in only binary. Nothing about the two were the same but gender.

"Im so sorry My Lord" his black eyes filled with timid tears.

"I betrayed you every day" Angelos tears fell down his cheeks.

I smiled at him and opened my arms in a hug. He seemed reluctant, but eventually he entered my embrace and sobbed into my chest, his height reaching no higher. My beautiful bunny, oh how my heart ached for him every night.

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