22 - My Love

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"My Love" was the title that only Killian had put on Luna. A pet name from when they were only children and had somehow stuck despite years of separation. But despite such an endearing nickname, tense feelings harbored in Killians heart for the deity.

The life of an Astar lord or lady is envied by those outside the castle walls. The Baroness Kana. The marquess Finnegan. The Countess Janola. The Duke Yanza. The grand Duke and Duchess Oda. And all other nobles of Astar. All with such high social standings and so much riches yet they envy the young lords and ladies of the palace. Why? Because their titles which would hereditarily be passed down to their children, would by custom be passed down to the children of the moon. Also known as the lords and ladies of the palace.

But the truth behind the cruel castle walls is that the lives of the lords and ladies are nothing to be envied. The blind Ashley whos body is covered in scars. The hidden Eden who has spent his life in wretched fear and anxiety. The twins Sina and Sydney who would rather return to hell than continue to live with Allegra. The young Xen who has intricate swirls and markings all across his back caused by burn scars. Felix and Sydelle who face high levels of mental and physical abuse along side longing feelings of neglect. Quinn who had to raise all her siblings and take the beatings when she could. Elara who spends her hours crying in her silence and Hope who has become conditioned to expect pain in loud noises and strangers around her. Julian who was tortured physically all through to adulthood. Angelo who was tortured mentally all through to adulthood.


What an enviable life the zodiacs in the castle do live.

And Killian feels nothing but hate to the tie that his siblings and himself have to the king. Had the bond disappeared, they would have had the will to flee. His sister would not have been tortured as they had been. His brothers would not have been tortured as they had been. Predator that would have much less scars. Maybe they would have the will to look at themselves near bare in the mirror, not covered in gashes and wrinkles and markings that will no longer heal. Just maybe.

And hopefully one day the bond will break.

That is Killians dream.

Killian -

He was peacefully asleep with Angelo tucked under his arm. I ignored the sizzling jealousy that threatened to brew in my heart.

Angelo was a problem child growing up. When he was little he and Julian wrecked havoc everywhere and everyone thought it was Julian who was the issue but it was definitely Angelo.

Although it seemed as if Angelo was Julians sidekick, the truth was that Julian was more like Angelos minion. He had a wild mind without the will to act on his crazy plans but Julian who was a simple person, was willing to go about with just about all of Angelos schemes.

One time the two of them almost set fire to the fourth floor. A plan to help Luna escape but it backfired quite harshly as neither had been trained in their powers at the time and they basically had the door explode off of its hinges and the top ten steps that lead to the fourth floor had completely turned to ash. I was always blamed for not stepping in and stopping them from their actions but I have no ability to change time. Only to see it. Half assed gift.

He was a mastermind at heart. I remember when he had Julian set rabbits loose in Allegras room. Those little rodents shit everywhere and Allegra had the two separated for weeks. Julian came our of solitary confinement battered and bruised with fresh whip scars littered all over his back and a beautiful intricate burn scar designed like swirls all over his arms and chest. Angelo came out a little spooked but otherwise looking completely fine.

Yeah. Everyone thought Julian was the mastermind, and as a result, Angelo always seemed to get away with the lesser punishment. It was strange though. Slowly, Angelo began to lessen the amount of pranks he had Julian pull. And Julian began to feel more envy towards Angelo after every punishment. Eventually, the mark that really had the two stopping their acts was when Allegra decided to punish our siblings instead while having the two watch.

Julian was completely wrecked while watching Felix and Ashely scream at the top of their lungs while their boys were marked and whipped. It hurt him to see Sina and Sydney's sensitive ears be forced to listen to a sound pitched higher than we can hear, but made their ears bleed and bodies shake. Sydelle still has the marks of wires engraved into her body, there to forever remind her of how she was wired and pinned to the wall for eight days with no food because of her brothers actions.

Julian was devastated watching this. More broken then ever before. More broken then the days he left the solitary room battered and bruised.

But Angelo almost looked relieved. It always made me wonder what exactly Allegra did to the boy when she took him to that room for him to look so relieved.

His reaction broke his bond with almost all of the siblings who were in the room for those days. The younger ones as well as me and Quinn were not involved but the others had their bonds entirely broken with Angelo. Except Eden who was in the room with them, watching just the same as Julian and Angelo. Feeling tortured the same way as Julian. Yet somehow it seems as though he feels remorse for Angelo despite his nonchalant reaction.

I stare at the boys in the bed who were huddled up and snoring softly.

Perhaps if Luna were to die we would all be set free of this wretched bond. Perhaps if he had never been born then we would have never been tied to that old hag.

But even the thought of his death or his non existence leaves a strong ache in my heart that had hardly numbed over the years.

My Love.

My Luna.

The one whom I desire the same way I loath. The one whom I would give my life for without a second thought. I love him. With all my heart I swear so.

But I wish he wasn't here.

And I wish he hadn't been born.

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