20 - A twins bond - Saggitarius

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There was a strain which held thick in between Julian and Angelo. A strain in a bond that should be cherished for as long as possible. A strain in a bond that can be damaged by very little entities.

There was a time when Julian felt the pain that Angelo felt. He would feel cruel discomfort every time Angelo was with Allegra. It was a heavy pit in his heart filled with dread and fear but he had no clue where it came from. Sure he was aware that the cause was Angelo and Allegra, however, he was not aware that the cause was a cry of fear from Angelo. A fraction of the feelings Angelo felt.

One night, it was so bad that he couldnt sleep. But then it disappeared. He felt a snap which he couldnt pin point. And all the dread and fear was gone and all he could feel then was relief.

Finally. Some peace.

But dawn awoke and he met with his brother whom he cherished with great affection and noticed the shift in Angelos persona. His aura was no longer bright. His emotions felt numb and his look was that of an angry man.

And the next time Julian saw him going with Allegra, the fear and the dread were bot present. Doubtful? Ever so. Until he made eye contact with his numb looking brother, who only smiled back at him.

Empty. Cruel.

A smile that felt so far away from Julians Angelo. A smile that meant that the brother Julian had known was gone. And from then on, they drifted so far apart day by day.

That happened when they were 13.

Today, 5 years later, their dead relationship has grown into a void of emptiness often filled with resentment.

Angelo never got the short straw. Angelo became Allegras favorite. Angelo was never in trouble at all.
Angelo used to help Julian when he was hurt.
But Angelo was gone now and he left Julian all alone.

Julian -

I stood outside his door and questioned whether or not I should go on. Among brother and sister mine, I share the blood of only my twin. And I despise it.

He watched all those times that Allegra burned my skin with poison. He watched as she caused me near death with ice water. He watched as she tortured my body till my flame lit as dull as his meaningless smile.

No. His smile was always cruel.

He watched and he laughed in a void of emotions.

And yet he had the audacity to cry and repent when Luna came in that day.

My anger burns beneath my skin at the thought of the man behind the door that stood in front of me.

Fueled by hatred and such alike, I open the door, ready to give this guy a piece of my mind. He deserves this marriage. He deserves every painful thing that comes his way.

Or maybe not the thing that I see as I walk into his room.

On the floor I see Angelo mid panic attack in his very dark room. He has a knife in his hand that has penetrated the skin of his thigh by at least two and a half inches and his face and body are covered in little cuts.

His hand is crackling and I check the light to see that it had been completely shattered and the glass shards had been scattered across the room. 

As far as I can tell, he still hasnt noticed me at his door.


Seeing my little brother in such a state instantly calmed the anger that fueled my body and I quickly rush towards him.

"Angelo! Calm down!" He doesnt seem to realize my presence and continues to panic, not getting worse or better, his powers, however, do calm down at my presence. As though his magic recognizes me.

"Please! Tell Eden to bring the king NOW!" I yell out to the room. I bring Angelo closer to me, careful of his thigh. I bring my palm up to his forehead and see that he is sweating buckets but hes very cold. I whisper in his ear, praying that he would be alright.

"Lord please. If no one else please save Angelo. I have no power like he does. I am not favored by any as he is. Not by my king, not my his mother, nor even by you but please. Whatever karma that is upon him I'll take it myself! Please save him!"

I whisper prayers many similar to the first.

Its okay to be favored by the queen dowager. Cruel as she may be. Angelo did no wrong. He repented. So he should be okay.

I feel myself begin to panic and scold myself at panicking in a situation where I'm required to stay calm.

Soon, Luna runs into the room with Eden at his tail. His eyes widen at Angelos state and begin to water.

"My lord please save him!" I croak out. He crouches down next to us and brings his hand to Angelos eyes and covers them. Whispering prayers. He then rests his hand as Angelos stress fades to little and brings his hand down to his thigh.

Grabbing the knife by the handle, he pulls it out out once and this makes Angelo flinch and Eden looks close to fainting.

To be honest, I feel close to fainting.

Quickly, Luna brings both his palms down to the wound and presses down harshly, his hands leaking blood from the tiny gaps.

He breaths in... and his hands begin to glow and luminescent white.

The blood slowly comes to a stop and Angelos face entirely relaxes. And Lunas face becomes paler than even before.

He looks at me and smiles, lifting his hand up from the now gone wound which is covered by scar tissue that looks almost identical to Lunas own skin.

I look up at him, eyes wide.

This was huge.

This would mean he transferred his own power to speed up his healing.

Im not too sure what that entails, but it makes my inner goat feel extremely jealous.

Slowly, I look towards Angelo who is unconscious. And then glance at Eden who is also looking at Angelo with confusion and slight envy.

Luna drifts to sleep in Angelos lap and they both rest there peacefully together.

I take a deep breath to ease my envy.

And feel a little tight in my chest. As if something broken had been mended.

Suddenly the anger that had fueled my fire was no longer present, and my feelings for Angelo regain their love.

The bond...

A/N dont question anything. Its the bond of twins. The bond of the goat and the bunny. The bond between fire and lightning. The bond between Sagittarius and Aries. I dont do that twincest stuff.

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