17 - Tourment of the alleged bride to be

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The seventh day in, everyone was riding in the last day they had of complete bliss in their ignorance. While the elephant has been waiting patiently, the family manifestly ignored it. To the max.

For that week, the name Allegra was unknown to their tongue. The mention of Osmein and their king was scarce. Only whispered of amongst the walls of the castle.

You'd think they had forgotten about it. But how could Angelo possibly forget about his possible marriage? How could they possibly forget the impending doom of their brother? How could he possibly forget the pending loss of a lover?

A simple answer. They can't.

A choice made, they bond for a week discuss options the week after. And it is soon to be the week after.

Angelo is currently stuck in his room with none present but himself? At least, by his understanding it is only him in the room.

Angelo -

Everyone pitys me I just know it. Why else would they suddenly become so nice? Suddenly start acting like my siblings for once? They know all the shit I've done and they decided to be a bitch about it but now because of this fucked up situation they feel the urge to be nice to me. Regret? Maybe. Theres no real way to actually stop my engagement. All laws that were drilled in our brains from our young ages say so. Not a single way I can think of to get me out of this fucking marriage. Not one.

"Ah fuck my life" I know I'm speaking to a void but its not like I can speak to anyone else. My room is as two faced as I am. It looks so perfect and so stuck up and it makes me look spoilt but you'd never notice the dust gathering on the computer set that Allegra gifted me for obedience. Or the chair that has evidently never been sat in. Or the bed sheets that are always made because the bed I'm used to is a pet bed that is similar to the one I use in the "room". Its a cold room. It almost makes me want to like it.

Laying on my actual bed now, staring at the canopy roof feels foreign to me. I want to get out of this marriage but then again, what could be so bad? I would finally escape Allegras torment! And I'd be crowned king consort and have a high status and no one would be allowed to hate me or bully me and I wouldnt be alone because the king of Osmein has two prince sons who are similar to my age! Maybe I could start a new life. I would ignore that the king exists, do my job as co-king and finally live my life peacefully?

Without Luna... or my beloved siblings. I guess.

Ah who the fuck am I kidding.

Tears build up in my eyes as my heart aches at the prospect of leaving Luna for that damned king. A king with two prince sons, one who is in fact older than myself and another who could pass as my triplet.

What the actual fuck. Men disgust me. So little actual exist in this world that are worthy of respect anymore. Perhaps I'd meet a man who earns my respect but I doubt that man would reach the status quotient I'm expected to meet as the Lord of Aries. There are so many things to consider as a man of high social status when looking for a partner that go beyond that of personal standards, and the men that reach those expectations end up having less respect for others than that of a piece of shit. It disgusts me.

My thoughts lead me to a decision.

I wont attend the meetings that discuss my freedom because as fate would have it. That path clearly does not exist for me. I expect that Allegra would break the news to me upon her return or at maximum subsequent to a week. Then I would expect, knowing her, that she would have me more locked up than ever before, perhaps even send me my way with him with some tacky excuse. Yes. I can see it happening.

The tears overflow and hold a stead trail past my temples and soaking into my silk pillow.

I have to get closer to my brothers and sisters. Fix my relationship with Julian and try my best to repent to Luna for all my betrayal. I must.

- End of Anglos POV

The boy had been deep in thought. His mind growing more and more destructive and the shadows could hear his torment building up. His mind eating away into its own darkness. You see hope is light. And Angelos was lacking greatly. The shadows whispered of his pain and sorrows. They whispered down the halls and in the basements. Through the garden, the walls and the roofs. The boys torment was a rumor the shadows greatly indulged in.

At this point he might just get married off.

No one likes a stickler for depression.

I wonder why the king chose him of all the lords and ladies, Sydelle is quite a catch if anyones seen one.

Ah you see I've heard the king of Osmein has an interest in young boys.

Yes the guests speak plenty of words. I suspect its been for far longer than this proposal.

No. In my opinion, he has been interested in Angelo for a while and had probably been waiting for his age to reach approximately 18 before bringing forth the proposal.

Haha true true.

I see Angelos given up already. One week with the news and he already breaks. Pathetic.

That room must've done a number on him. Theres no light in there so theres no shadows either. Theres little to no intel. Only Eden knows I've heard. What happens in there. Hes been in there I've heard.

Whatever happens in there its broken the boy. Hes crying and plans to give up immediately.

He thinks he'd make friends with the Osmein princes. Whod make friends with that screw up.

I know its abso-

Until they met young concerned ears.

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