8 - Hiding - Capricorn

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Often, his eyes were covered by the lack of light that comforted him. Eden was, among his siblings, the least beaten and abused. Not for lack of need or desire to, but for the fact that Allegra could never work her way within his gift of shadow.

Eden wasn't always hiding. Although, from birth he felt safest in the dark, as a baby he didnt exactly have the capabilities to hide himself in the shadows alone, nor did he have a reason for it constantly. Now was different though. He never came out of his comfort zone. A zone where none could see him. None, except for apparently, one.

Eden had only ever been spoken to in greetings for 90% of his life. Among his loved ones only Killian could manage to constantly sense him and converse with him, still, just like the others he couldn't see him.

He had been present during the beginning of the new years ceremony where he and his siblings were to be displayed. Yet no one found him.

He had been the first to come into the banquet hall, unknown to Ashely of course. He stood in his quiet corner as his siblings came in one by one. His heart would ache every time one would ignore Ashleys presence. They blamed him wrongly for Sols death.

Soon as the door handle had been contacted by none other than, everyones breaths hitched. And Luna entered in all his glory.

Eden watched as Luna too ignored his presence, and yet somehow he didnt feel as though that was the case.

Greeting's after greetings and it seemed Luna truly didn't know he was there. But of course Luna knew.

Eden -

He approached me with a determined sort of walk. It was pretty weird I guess, nothing that I'm used to thats for sure.

Somehow he managed to slip into the darkness as many others had done in attempt to find me. But often, I would move and evade them. Nobody knew how to navigate the shadows like I do. Somehow, however, I couldnt bring myself to move from my spot.

I bowed a little as he reached me, before looking up into his beautiful eyes, feeling my heart beat as though it was trying to break free of my rib cage.

"My moon" and I swear that wasnt intentional cause I definitely didnt think before I said it, but somehow it managed to slip out.

My awkward thought process was interrupted as he pulled me into a comforting embrace, as though he was returning all the love I was feeling well up inside me. And as he kissed me, it felt as though all was well in the world. He gently took my hand and guided me towards a place I hadnt been in, in years. Firm enough to encourage me to follow him, and gentle enough giving me the option not to. But why would I ever not follow behind such a beautiful man?

Their eyes drank me in such as a glutton who had been deprived of food. It was uncomfortable as hell thats for sure. They hardly knew who I was and yet I, knew almost everything there was to know about them. They hardly knew my voice or my name. I watched as they got beaten and chased away from Lunas room while I managed to stay there, they couldnt even be sure I was present at those times. I watched as Allegra mentally and physically abused them, unable to do anything, while they knew nothing of even my appearance.

A tragic love story there.

Among them, Ashley was the only one who was almost always aware of my presence. He couldnt see, and as a result, his senses were heightened. I doubt he even knew the reason the others seemed unaware of my presence. He was my favourite. He was kind and misunderstood and mistreated. A year younger than me and everyone considered us to be siblings of soul but somehow I believe that to be untrue. We are neither blood siblings, gift siblings, star siblings nor animal siblings.

See, among us, we have different types of siblings. The blood siblings who came from a same parent. Gift siblings which meant our gifts linked the way the gift of earth did with nature. The animal siblings (which most of us were) who had animals of the same type (mammals, reptiles etc.) and star siblings who would be among the same elements within the star signs (fire, water, earth and fire).

Ashleys not my brother by blood. His gift is poison while mine is shadow which arent associated with each other in any way. He is a snake, a reptile, therefor his only animal siblings would be Killian who holds the dragon spirit. And his star sign is Libra while mine is Capricorn. Therefor we are not siblings in any way shape or form.

Except for name.

But my feelings wouldn't go away, is that wrong?

From my seat, I watched him. Completely aware that Luna could tell what was going on.

I feel out of place in the broadness that the light gifted the room with. The quietness of the shadows were much more comforting. In the shadows, I could not be seen or judged or beaten or abused. In the shadows I could watch in silence, wallow in self pity, and despise myself without constant comfort.

I continue to watch Ashley while he listened to the rambling of our siblings. I had seen much more than any of them, am aware of many plans that they will only know of on the day Allegra moves forward with them. Unless I tell then of course, which I feel obliged to do, but terrified of it just the same.

My gaze moves from Ashley towards Angelo. Angelo, my brother, is not a favorite of my siblings because he is obedient to Allegra. His attitude is strong, much stronger than he himself. And because of his timid body and submissive nature, he is a favorite among many adults, a fact I came across while listening in on a conversation between Allegra and the King of Osmein, a Kindom not too far south from Astar, our own kingdom, ruled by Luna in name, and Allegra in reality.

The chatter dies down as Killian brings attention towards me.

"Eden, are you okay?"

And suddenly, 12 pairs of eyes are on me.

Not Ashleys tho but he seems to be at attention as well.

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