Chapter 2 Scarlett

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Jasmines PoV
Me and Scarlett managed to watch three disney movies in a row. We were not interrupted until now. "KIDS WERE LEAVING GET IN THE CAR NOW" mum screams to us. I wait for the thunderous elephants to get in the car before moving with Scarlett. I chuck mine and Scarlett's suitcases in the boot. We have a black Volvo with 8 cream leather seats to carry us all Scarlett sits next to me as she tells me she prefers me to any other sibling she has which is really sweet. I sit wedged inbetween Scarlett and Erin. Elektra and Cameron sit in the boot with their headphones on playing music so loud I can hear it from here ignoring everyone. Once we have been in the car a half hour Scarlett's chattering dies down and she slowly drifts asleep. Jack and Erin go quiet gazing out the window as not to wake her. When she's asleep like this her breathing steady I feel like she's safe from harm and I catch my breath. I do not want things to go the same as last year. Last year we almost lost her. She was suffering really bad asthma and her breathing was failing. Even now just remembering the image of her all wired up in the white hospital bed helpless unable to lift a finger. I cried every night. Everyone went almost half asleep drifting through their life not eating killing themselves. I was strong it was I that fed them mum dad and siblings it was I that gave them water it was I that made sure they got to bed and it was I that visited Scarlett every night. Telling myself she'll be ok I had no one to turn to my parents were ghosts drifting through life. Things got better when jack came back from university, he helped me through the hard time and I am really grateful for it. That is why I feel I can trust him with everything, he's earned it. Now when everything's back to normal I've learnt one thing be careful who you trust. I gaze down at Scarlett to make sure she's ok I breathe a sigh of relief as I see her breathing.

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