Chapter 14 Disaster

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3 weeks later Luke's PoV
Monday 7:00 am I wake to the sound of my alarm and slowly open my eyes to my blue room I get up and put my ugly grey school uniform on. I place my iPad on charge as it is out of battery from Skyping jasmine last night. What can I say I miss her I'll Skype her again tonight to reassure her I haven't changed I still love her. I head to school my school is dull and grey it has windows surrounded by harsh metal. I sit down in my first lesson science. "Hi Luke how was your holiday" my friend ed asks sorting out his brown hair. I am surrounded by my friends but even they can't make me forget about missing jasmine. Where is she is she at school or at home is she thinking about me. Ed looks at me expectantly. "Great" I answer thinking back to my holiday "the best" I conclude. "What did you do" ed pushes me on. "I found a new hobby, deep sea diving and met jasmine" I reply. "Oooo who's jasmine a girlfriend" he teases. "Yeah you could say that, but she lives in England" I say. "So she's one of those posh girls" ed concludes. I nod deep in thought should I be doing this telling them will she have told her friends about me. "GUYS LUKE HAS A GIRLFRIEND" ed jeers. Everyone asks me questions and makes a big fuss till the teacher tells us to get out. The rest of the day passes as a blur. "See you tomorrow mate" my friends say as I slide into my purple TVR I start the car and drive home. Once I get home i eat tea and switch on the news to find out the dance competition is starting again. I'm about to turn it off when they go to the schools competing. When I see her jasmine... I turn the volume up when the lady passes the microphone to her. "I was shocked to find I was chosen to represent the school in such a prestigious dance competition I feel honoured and will do my best to ensure that my school wins" she says excitedly. I can't believe she's in the dance competition I'm so happy for her I know she'll love it I know exactly what to do now. I run to my room and pull out my old piano and song book I start playing a tune if our story had a melody this would be it. I carefully play the notes until I have a beautiful tragic melody. The story is about how we met and that we were destined to be apart our love destroyed. Satisfied I put the book under my pillow so the song can gently whisper me asleep. I wake up at 6:00 pm after my nap and head downstairs to Skype jasmine. My parents won't be happy they complain that I'm on Skype every night and think I should forget about jasmine. A heavy ball of dread lands in the pit of my stomach as my iPad and phone aren't where I left them. I break into my dads office and there they are my parents locking my iPad and phone in the safe. "What are you doing I need them to Skype jasmine" I demand. "I'm sorry Luke really I am you've bought this on yourself deep down you know it's never gonna happen with her she lives miles away and your only young you can't be really upset your your being ridiculous so we have banned your phone and iPad there will be no contact with her and you WILL FORGET ABOUT HER" dad yells spitting venom at me every word he speaks is a dagger in my heart so much so I refuse to eat supper and head to my room in tears how could they do this to me. They know how much I miss her that night I cry myself to sleep utterly destroyed.

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