Chapter 19

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I spin and spin and spin until the last note is finished. The audience bursts into applause I feel a surge of happiness I stand there soaking all the applause in. Then the microphone is passed on to the head mistress who announces happily our school has won my performance worked. "And now a surprise for our lead dancer to congratulate her" the headmistress says I open my mouth in shock what now I wonder. I see nothing just the microphone passed to someone behind the curtain so I cannot see who it is. The person begins "well I met jasmine on the beach and from that moment on I knew she was an amazing girl we got on so well to me she was perfect her smile her laugh her face her beauty and even her voice outstanded me and still does today she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world I was so upset when she had to leave and angry at myself for letting them take away the only contact I have with her I've terribly upset her and I hope she can find it somewhere in her kind heart and beautiful mind to forgive me. I love you." He speaks. Luke I say it's really him he runs on to the stage I am still to frozen to move a surge of pure joy fills me with happiness. Luke runs and wraps me and wraps me tightly in his arms. He gently strokes my hair. I smile and cry tears of joy everything I've ever wanted is right here and this time I'm determined not to let it go any where.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. The end.............xxxxxxxxx.....................
Authors note
Hi guys so that's the end of the story. Hope you enjoyed it I know it was a bit boring to get started. Thanks for reading. My first story I think it's ok. Give my your final thoughts please. Thanks and bye.

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