Chapter8 Luke

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Jasmines PoV
Once awake we all order a cooked breakfast, eat, pull on our dressing gowns and head to shophies room. We all sit on the floor in Sophie's big pale blue room. I sit with poppy and pippa. "Today we are spending a day on the beach with the cocoons but the butterfly's will be doing something different so can you all get dressed appropriately and head to the beach where the cocoons will be remember have fun" Sophie explains. I follow poppy back to our room. Poppy gets changed into a red bikini and throws a long white T-shirt on top. Pippa does the same but chooses a pink bikini. I pull on my favourite bikini its sky blue with diamonds dotted all over it strapless and is small, I also pull my long white T-shirt over the top and grab my beach bag. My heart fills with excitement at seeing Scarlett again, I wonder what she will wear. "Come on let's go" everyone yells their excitement catching on to me. My heart beats ecstatically as we run downstairs pure excitement flowing through my veins. The beach does not disappoint me it's lovely golden sand with wooden umbrellas crisscrossing the beach fading in to a crystal clear ocean with a nice blue sky sitting on top to the left there is an entrance way to somewhere underground and to the right there are some beach ball nets. It is just heaven on earth. I walk over and claim one of the umbrellas near the clear ocean. I lay my white towel down on the golden sand, leave it there and head to find Scarlett. I see my sister standing with the woman I left her with yesterday next to two little girls the same age as Scarlett. When she sees me she's runs over and I give her a piggy back ride to my umbrella. She puts her peppa pig towel next to mine. "Hey can we join you"pippa and poppy ask. "Yeah sure this is my little sister Scarlett and Scarlett these are my friends poppy and pippa" I explain pointing to them. Scarlett rips her top of revealing her pink swimming costume and runs to play with her friends. We all do the same but lay flat on our fronts to catch some sun. That is when I see the most heart stoppingly drop dead handsome guy I have ever seen in my whole life. He has windswept golden hair sitting on his perfect face with lovely blue eyes the colour of the ocean wearing a black diving suit which he slips of revealing his bronzed muscular body. I lie there completely mesmerised staring at him up and down my eyes glued to his perfect body face his perfect everything. I need to stop staring but I can't draw my eyes away from how incrediblely handsome he is.
Luke's PoV
I slowly stroll down the Beach after just finishing work. I spend most of my life on the beach what can I say it's my favourite place to be. Nothing normally bothers me but right now she catches my eye and stops me in my tracks. She is the girl sunbathing next to her friends. I've never seen anyone like her she is sooo beautiful. She has long dark hair sparkling blue eyes and a tanned body she is amazing. She's not to thin not to fat. Control I tell myself I've been staring at her to long. I suddenly feel an immense urge to go and talk to her. But I can't what do I say what do I say be cool just be cool it's too late to turn back now I tell myself on my way over to her. Suddenly a gust of wind blows her top in the air. There's an excuse I tell myself. I rush forward catch her white T-shirt in my hands and pass it back to her. "the wind just caught this"I say passing it to her. "O sorry ummm I didn't notice thank you"she says politely. I notice her cheeks starting to blush bright red. "Who's this" her friend asks gesturing to me. This girl is not as pretty she has black hair in a bob and very pale skin her eyes are a dull grey. They have another friend also not as pretty she has brown hair in a lose pony blonde hair and green eyes. "O sorry I'm Luke and you are?" I ask gesturing at the prettiest girl. "I'm jasmine and these are my friends poppy and pippa" she answers shyly.
Jasmines PoV
Pippa nudges me in the back and whispers "you like him make conversation" "ok" I whisper back. "Are you on holiday too"I ask I sound like a complete idiot I seriously need to calm down and breathe. "No I live here are you on holiday" he replies "yeah I am" I answer looking at his eyes. Why when it counts do I look like an idiot I guess a cute boy just sends me head over heels. "How about you two go for a swim we'll stay here" poppy offers. "But but" pippa says disappointed poppy quickly covers pippas mouth and tells us to leave. I obey automatically and follow Luke towards the sea. I cannot believe I'm doing this I exclaim. Calm down its all in your head I tell myself. Luke and I get into the sea causing white foam to splash everywhere. Once we are at the level we both feel comfortable at. We talk. Luke tells me about deep sea diving and all the creatures he says daily. He sees all sorts of fish he even saw a shark once. He asks me about where I live and my siblings. I tell him about everyone. After a while I relax breathe and enjoy the moment. We talk for hours and hours I feel it's so easy to talk to him. I kind of fall in love with his smile his eyes his voice until by the end of it I feel like I love him. His personality is amazing and he's really easy to get along with. We climb back on to the beach just in time to see two little turtles crawling slowly back into the sea we both stare at them in amazement I feel they are a sign of me and Luke destined to be together. We build sand castles and laugh fool around drink cocktails eat ice cream and just have a really great time. I wonder does he know what effect he has on me does he feel the same It can't be in my head. I feel a current between us he must feel it to. I now know I am in love and there's nothing I can do about it.
"Time to get changed and eat tea" Sophie yells across the beach. "I'm sorry I have to go I really enjoyed today thank you" I say and leave. Before I go he grabs my hand gently and pulls me back to him we are so close now I can literally feel his breath on my skin and the current gets stronger. His hand feels strong and sturdy. For the first time in years I actually feel safe and that finally I haven't messed something up. I was right he feels the same he must otherwise he wouldn't have pulled me back. "Will you come with me to dinner" he asks softly clear worry that I will say no I can see it in his eyes. "Yes if you want me to" I reply. "Of course I do" he chuckles. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't" he explains. "Will you meet me outside Malays palace if you want you don't have to"he asks me his voice is so nice I can't say no. "Yeah I'll be there" I say and run inside".
Luke's PoV
I watch her jog off the bow on her bikini bouncing with every step. I sigh in content I feel amazing just being with her lights up my world I know now for sure I love her smile her laugh how she is how her eyes sparkle in delight. I am in love.

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