Chapter 13 Missing you

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3 weeks later Jasmines PoV
Monday 5:30 am time to get up. I pull on my blue and white uniform making me a target to the other schools they see us as all poshy like that but it's not true. I head downstairs and lay out Scarlett's breakfast even though she is not up yet I always get up the earliest. BEEP BEEP dad beeps the car horn hurrying me up. I run to the black Volvo and sit in the back. Dad drops me at the gate. I clamber out say goodbye and head towards school. My school is made of Quartz and has gold surrounding the doors. I walk along and in the school my mind drifts to Luke will he be at school now will he still be asleep will he be thinking about me it's been 3 weeks since I've seen him and we have Skyped every night. "Loser loser alert" a group of boys yell at me. On my way to English. Once in English I meet up with my friend. She tells me about her great her holiday was. I want to tell her about mine but I can't she won't believe me. I keep thinking about Luke if anyone asks me what's wrong I know I'll just burst out crying. I need to get my emotional thoughts out somehow without crying. I can't think of anyway at all so I just result to tapping my pencil in time with the clock. "Hi jasmine my names miss Webb I will be grateful if you can come to my room it's room 5 please come at break thank you" miss Webb asks me. I nod silently and watch her leave what could she want I wonder. Does she know about Luke no she can't don't be so stupid jasmine I tell myself. I still am worried and curious about what she'll tell me at break. The bell rings I get up and walk to next lesson maths with my friend. Maths passes really quickly as I want to know what miss Webb needs to see me about. When the bell goes I tell my friend that I have to go and see miss Webb and run to room 5. I open the White door and I am greeted to a lovely scent of Vinilla this room is small and has a white teachers desk sitting in the corner. Pastel coloured chairs and desks face the teachers desk. Miss Webb a thin lady with light brown hair straight hair. She wears a grey pencil skirt and a pink blouse. Her white blazer is hanging on the back of her chair. "Hi miss you said you wanted to see me" I say. "O hello I have selected you to be our solo dancer for the big performance do you accept" she tell me I open my mouth in shock I was not accepting that. "Yeah course" I reply. "Great your friends told me you love to dance and are very good at it can you prepare the confirmed dance for me tonight sorry it's such short notice the performance is very soon" miss Webb explains. I tell her I'm delighted and head out as it is lunch I'm going straight to the dance hall. I prepare a dance quickly I love losing myself in dance it's just a way I can show my emotions effectively. By the end of lunch I have come up with a dance that looks good. I show miss Webb and she says she likes it so I head home happy to Skype Luke and tell him about this exciting news.

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