Chapter9 a match made in heavan.

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Luke's PoV
A few hours later I find myself waiting outside Malays palace for Jasmine I can't wait to see her again I wonder what will she wear. Do I look ok I check in the mirror I am wearing black jeans and a fitted T-shirt. I hope I won't disappoint her and that it all goes well. As soon as I see her I am completely amazed at how she looks tonight, she is wearing a blue fading into white maxi dress that looks perfect for the tone of her skin. It's just a small thing but I get excited when I notice this dress is strapless and is fitted round the top. "Hi"she greets me sweetly. "Hi you look beautiful" I tell her grinning. "Thank you" she speaks shyly. ""Let's go find our seats" I say taking her small delicate hand. Was that to much I ask myself too fast does she like it. I have no idea. The waitress leads us to our table clearly flirting with me I can jasmine looks a little upset but when I pull out her chair and help her in user that incredible smile and she is happy again. "So do you have any siblings" she asks me in a voice as smooth as silk. "Yeah I do I have one younger brother called Harry he is 10 so he's pretty cool" I answer. "Yeah I guess they behave when their that age"she adds. Once we've ordered the food comes in a flash and we start eating. She has spaghetti bolognese and I have chicken pasta. I smile when a bit of spaghetti sauce splashes in her face as she sucks it up. She giggles and I join in her laugh is so refreshingly innocent I love it. I love everything about her.
Later on I realise she is being a little reserved so I know I shouldn't but I can't help it so I ask. "Are you ok you seem a little quiet?" I ask before I can stop myself. "I umm sorry it's just all the relationships I've been in have ended badly"she whispers to me. "Hey it's ok mine have too I promise I won't hurt you" I say reassuring her. It feels really nice to know she opened up to me and by the looks of it it made her happy too. We start talking again about random things the conversation flows easy I never get tired of hearing her wonderful voice. Once we are finished I walk her to her dorm. I don't know why but before she goes I pull her into a hug her soft delicate body feels amazing pressed up against mine I can smell her scent it smells like summery flowers I feel her literally melt in my arms satisfied for now we pull away she gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek and heads in her room. I stare at the closed door in shock she just kissed me no it must be a dream I can't believe she likes me I hope she knows I like her. I smile happily and jog away to my home.

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