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Jasmines PoV
I head outside needing a breather I don't want to leave tomorrow I don't think anyone does. Once I've had a breather I go to the swimming pool get changed into my blue bikini and let the water swallow me. I don't know why I always feel at home when I'm swimming I swim lengths.
Luke's PoV
I watch her swim lengths and see another tattoo this one is just above her bikini pants it is a butterfly and when she swims it looks like it's flying. She has no idea that I'm there, until she climbs out. As soon as she sees me she runs and pulls me into a hug I pull her closer not wanting to let her go. We reluctantly pull away. Her bright blue eyes find mine smiling. "I'm leaving tomorrow" she says. I feel like a dagger fell in my heart I don't want her to go because leaving leads to not seeing me and I'll fade like a distant memory until one day she'll wake up not remembering me at all. I will never forget about her how she smiles how delicate she is how incredibly beautiful she is how easy it is being with her. I breathe a sigh. "I know" I answer sadly. "I'm so sorry Luke I'll miss you the most I won't forget about you and I'll miss the future I could've had with you" she says in tears. "Hey it's ok it's not your fault" I say wrapping my arms around her fragile shaking body. "I love you" I whisper softly in her ear. "I love you too"she says her voice music to my ears.
We spend the rest of the day together swimming laughing playing we visit the beach and I hire a pedlo for us to go in. I take her for a picnic on the roof garden. It's just a great time we hug and embrace savouring every moment knowing we will soon be apart. I cannot bear for her to leave. We have tea at my house and she meets my parents she is very nervous at first but soon her worry dissolves. At around 6pm we leave my house it is very dark and cold by then so she stays close to me and I wrap my arm round her protectively as I can feel her shaking. Before she enters the hotel I pull her tightly into a hug. I wonder am I taking this to far as I press my lips onto hers clearly not as she kisses back clear passion and desire radiating off us. It feels like heaven now I can see nothing but her. We keep kissing I feel a surge of desire and pull her closer till she is right against me. She pulls away first and wraps her arms round me in a hug. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you more she answers "I love you most" I finish. I write down my Skype name and phone number on a piece of paper and hand it to her. She does the same. We kiss and hug goodbye whispering a few last words. I watch her go inside sadly I really don't want her to leave. I head back home tears clouding my vision.
Jasmines PoV
I walk away sadly missing him soooo much already tear form and spill out of my eyes I cannot bear the thought of never seeing him again my throught tightens as I ache to see him again tomorrow even though I know I won't. Our love was doomed from the start we live to far away from each other. Long distance relationships never work.

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