Chapter15 Broken hearted

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Jasmines PoV
2 days later. Wednesday
Ok so one night is ok but Luke hasn't replied to any of my texts never mind Skyped me. I have cried and cried every night what if he doesn't love me and this is his way of saying goodbye it hurts real bad it's making me unwell I cannot believe that he'd just ignore me. I haven't eaten for 2 days now neither mind smiled. What's the point if he doesn't love me I might as well die I'm killing myself from the inside out even my friends are noticing. I'm sitting in geography next to my friend as soon as the bell goes I run to the toilet in tears. She automatically follows me. "What's wrong" she asks me gently. "Nothing" I say and walk out. I feel so weak I've already cancelled all my clubs out of a broken heart. I can't concentrate without bursting into tears at every interval. I head to see miss Webb I can't do the dance anymore I am completely and utterly destroyed. I knock on the door. "Come in" miss Webb says from inside. I walk in my head down in sadness. "I've came here to let you know that I cannot compete in the dance competition" I tell her. "Are you ok" she asks. I want to scream out do I look ok but I don't instead I feel claustrophobic as the walls of sadness get taller and closer to me. "I'm fine" I answer quietly holding back the tears. "You've practiced everyday are you sure you want to stop" she asks I glare at her. "Ok I'll just have to find a replacement I'll miss your dance and I am very disappointed in you. You may leave" she dismisses me and I walk out. I run hide behind a tree and cry all lunch. Once I'm home I run to my room and switch the TV on eat comfort food (crisps) to see if that helps and mainly cry.
Luke's PoV
It's Wednesday and I head to school the guilt of not being in touch with jasmine weighs me down I really want to tell her to see her to feel her but she's miles away and we will probably never speak again I'm so upset I fear there's no end to this misery I go through school like a ghost I can't eat can't even sleep. The ache never goes away it feels like I've had my whole world taken away from me and that's just it jasmine is my world the only person I really cared about and now I'm hurting her I could have fought back I could have stopped them but I didn't I am a idiot I will never trust my parents again they took the one thing I had she was that thing she was my hope my dream and my wish and now she's gone. I sob quietly on my bed now schools over for a day I can cry all I want.

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