Twenty-One: Vomit And Memories

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Frankie's POV {A/N I thought I would for a first}

I sit in the booth with Colleen, my cousin who visited me from California, chating away. We used to play different things when we were kids. I would play Barbies with her and she would play Cops and Robbers with me. Both things each of us hated, but played because we didn't want each other to have a total meltdown. Now here I am, sitting the booth with her. She looked all grown up when I saw her. Her beautiful black hair fell over her shoulders and her American Idiot Green Day shirt stood out from her ripped jeans. She turned into a pure punk rocker. It looked slightly weird, us sitting together. A nature boy with a flannel shirt, which I loved, and a girl with a Green Day shirt. She glanced up from her phone. She had dark grey mascara on. It matched perefectly with her dark tan colored skin. Her lips had a naked glimmer to them. Her smile made it even better.

"Sorry, I was just checking my Instagram," she says.

"Oh, it's alright. I haven't seen you in forever. It seems like so long."

"Yup." Our waiter comes up and we order our drinks. I'm shocked about what she chooses. A beer. She orders it with her fake ID. She has changed. All I order is a Dr. Pepper. He comes with our drinks and sets them on the table. We talk about school, parties, and she tells me that she's a not virgin, which shocks me. Not to mention that she's bisexual. I tell her about Ally. Her face flashes in my mind. Her long, full dirty blonde hair is in a ponytail and her bag hangs over her shoulder, full of books. Her Vector Vampire tank-top matches her bright pink, high-waist jeans. Her sandals with gemstones on them, shine in the Sun. She wears a pair of fake purple glasses that have a gold bow on the top-right side. Her emerald eyes stand out from her nerdy side.

"Hello? Earth to Frankie?" Colleen said. She is waving her hand around like a lunatic.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about Allison." I look at her face. A sour expression is planted on her beautiful face. A smile takes over and she takes another swig of her beer. I can smell the beer, even though she is sitting in front of me. The waiter, Sebastian, I think his name is, comes over with out food. He puts my burger in front of me. The ketchup is oozing down one side. Colleen ordered a salad because she said that she is now a vegitarion. I take a bite of my burger and mustard falls on my plate. My burger starts to slide out of the buns. The struggle. After we finish our dinner I order a piece of cheesecake because it is the best desert of all time.

"Hey, Frankie, come over here. I want to show you this picture on Instagram," she says. I get out of my booth and I slide into her booth. She shows me the picture and it isn't even funny, but I laugh along with her anyway. After laughing my butt off, I look up and Ally is standing in front of me. Her eyes are glossy with tears and she turns around. I try to get up but Colleen holds me back. She turns me and she brings her lips to mine. I try to push her back, but her grip is to strong. I bit her lip and she pulls back with an ouch.

"Why did you just kiss me?! You do know that was my girlfriend right?" I silently yell at her.

"Frankie, I love you. I have loved you since third grade. I want to be your girlfriend," she says. I get up from the booth and run to the parking lot. I knew that Ally would be here. I wanted her to know my favorite cousin in my world. Now she is the most hated cousin in me world. I look around the parking lot of Quarker Steak and Lube. I don't see her car. Then I spot it. Pulling out of the parking lot. I yell and scream at the Earth in anger. What will I ever do about it. She'll never forgive me. Even if I tried to get her back she would just avoid me. I fold my arms and my teeth start to chatter. I hear the door open and I run to my car because I know it will and would be Colleen.

"Frankie! Frankie! I though about it and I was an idiot to do that. I now know how much she meant to you and I am so sorry!"

"You better be sorry because she is everything to me. She is my sun, my grass, she is my princess and I am her screw up of a prince. I knew something was up with you, never wanting to leave freaking my side. and now I realize that you loved me. Bringing you here was a mistake a big one to," I yell. "I never want to see you again!"

I look at her and her eyes are red. I run to my car and I get in. I start the car and drive. I wonder when my life will fall into place?


I rush to Ally's side as she throws up all of the alcohol she had last night. Her makeup is smeared all over her face. She looks terrible. Her face is pale white and she holds her stomach. I quickly grab a bottle of water. I force her to gulp it down. The bathroom smells terrible and I grab my Bath & Bodies candle. I grab a lighter and run to the bathroom. I grab my phone off the counter on my way back.

"It smell like cow poop in here," I say as I light the candle. She laughs, but then quickly throws up again. I here another knock at the door. Oh my goodness. Who is it now. I open the door and my mouth falls to the ground.
I feel my heart stop beating and I feel like our past keeps interfering with Ally and I. Why did she come here? Ally just got through James and now I have to go through her. Why?
"Um, hey Frankie. I wish I could've stayed away, but I couldn't help myself. I need you. Your mom told me where you live and I thanked her. I then came here. So here I am," she says. What is wrong with my mom? I told her all about it. She led her to my doorstep.




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